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Thread: Rick and Joe's articles

  1. #1

    Default Rick and Joe's articles

    Great reads, fellas. Rick, I have started using a Pearl Cypert's Minnow (on a 90 degree jig hook) below a VOSI on my leader with my floating fly line. Good rig for suspending fish. Tried that last Friday on Kissimmee River (more like a huge canal), no Specks yet on it but I did get 3 Bluegill, 1 small LMB, and 1 large Mudfish (Bowfin). I'm sure it will work on Specks when they are around and biting. Like you, I will use whatever tackle I can to catch fish. I think the Specks are starting to scatter here after the spawn so it looks like I will be doing more bream fishing as the bream bite is starting to turn on.

    Joe, I may have to give the Crappie Charlie a try but on the forward cast .

    Robert B. McCorquodale
    Sebring, FL

    "Flip a fly"

    [This message has been edited by dixieangler (edited 04 April 2006).]
    Robert B. McCorquodale

    "Flip a fly"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Lawrence, KS, USA


    Thank you, Dixie. By "specks" is that the common Southeastern U.S. name for crappies? If so, you won't go wrong trying any fly that Rick uses. He has released more crappie than I've ever caught.

    If you're normally a bank fisherman, then there are conceivably times when a backward cast could work for you. For instance, say there's a line of shrubs or trees 40 feet back from the water's edge, and the area in between is hazard-free? You could face the TREES and begin false casting toward them, letting your forward casts move out progressively until the fly is just short of snagging the limbs, and then on your next back cast stroke you spin around and deliver it into the river.

    Strange, I know; but hey, it's a strange world.


    "Better small than not at all."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    Thanks for the nice words.
    I am thinking of tying some flies on hooks like that.


  4. #4


    By "specks" is that the common Southeastern U.S. name for crappies?

    Here is some clarification in the link below (see Common names) . I have never known them by any other name here in Florida. I had to ask someone what a "crappie" was when I first heard it and was told that was the Northern name for the fish.

    Robert B. McCorquodale
    Sebring, FL

    "Flip a fly"
    Robert B. McCorquodale

    "Flip a fly"

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