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Thread: tubin' is a HOOT!!

  1. #1

    Default tubin' is a HOOT!!

    The skys were clear and the winds light (for a change!!).
    So I got the Wind River Wet, as well as a lot of other things! Can you dry money in the dryer?
    What did I learn. Tubes do lose some inflation in cool water. Make sure the seat is adjusted. Make sure your waders are up as high as possible. Carry your wallet in a baggie in one of the compartments. Carry a small piece of plastic to cover the drivers seat of your car! Add a piece of wool to dry the used flys
    What a great time, I'm hooked!!

    P.S. What's the best way to keep fish when tubein'?

    I feel more like I do now than I did when I got here!


    [This message has been edited by Jack Hise (edited 19 June 2005).]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Clara City, MN USA


    Take one of those wire creel things and put a donut intertube around it with a rope to tether. Once inflated you won't have problems with sharp fins penetrating your tube. JGW

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    Send the money to me...I'll dry it for ya!..maybe even "launder" it!
    Sorry, I should have told you..I always wrap my wallet in a sandwich bag...(plastic one, Jack, NOT paper! )
    Great fun aren't they? Not to mention productive.
    Glad you got some!
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  4. #4


    Sorry Mike it's all dried out!! I may iron it though! The waders are the tough ones to dry as well as the wallet!! Got to get a new Medicare Card, the cheap govt. makes them out of paper!!??
    I was only going to fish for an hour or so and got so into it that it turned into 4 hours!!

    I feel more like I do now than I did when I got here!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Out on the prairie -- USA


    I hear ya Jack!

    First time I used my tube, I was fishing a little pond above Layton Utah about 2 weeks after ice out. I had been leaning forward while working down one bank and my dear wife decided to run off since she had finished her book. Well, just after she drove off I leaned back to move to a new area and the water flowed over the back of my waders. Man was that cold! I think I scared ALL the fish within 5 miles with my outburst (not really a scream, but not much different.)

    I tried fishing a bit while waiting for the wife to return, but it was just too cold, so I got out and poured about 2 gallons of water out of the waders, sat on a rock and waited for my wife's return.

    I had fun though.

    Don Rolfson

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