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Thread: competitive flyfishing?

  1. #1

    Default competitive flyfishing?

    We've had a spate of competitions lately with people getting way serious about results.I,personaly think that flyfishing isn't a competitive sport,but to each his own I guess.Just wanted to know if you guys also have a similar thing and get some thoughts on the matter.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Bonneau, SC USA


    Hi Adam,

    The competion is primarily between the
    fish and I. It's not important to me which
    of us wins as long as we get to play the
    game. Warm regards, Jim

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2001
    McKinney TX USA
    Blog Entries


    hey Adam,

    Personally, fishing is a contemplative activity; at once introspective and extroverting.

    When competition enters the picture fishing instantly takes a back seat to the competitive spirit. One can compete with cards, cars, pool cues, balls of various sorts, or fishing poles. But the tools are secondary to the competition that drives the activity.

    So its not the tournaments per se, its the competition. I simply do not want to mix my angling with competition. Not even "friendly" competition with whoever I am fishing with.

    That's my humble opinion.

    IM = robinrhyne@hotmail.com

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    Robin, Well said & I, for one, agree completely!
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    I stopped fishing with a guy because he was always competing, counting fish, comparing his fish to mine. it was extremely annoying.

  6. #6


    I don't like to mix a competitive attitude into my fishing at all. I don't count fish, I don't keep track of how many my fishing partner has caught, I don't get jealous if he or she is catching more than I am. I fish for fun, not for one-upsmanship.

  7. #7


    Personally, I would hate to see fly fishing develop a tournament scene like bass fishing has. 200 to 300 anglers converging on a stream or lake can really put a bunch of pressure on the fishery for a while and gives it a lot of attention that can attract a lot of other fishermen to an otherwise semi private lake or stream. The local fishermen usually curse the tournament crowd invading their honey hole. And in my opinion, the tournament crowd is usually a cut above most fishermen. Those guys are plunking down some hard earned cash to compete and most of them at least think and usually are good enough to expect to get some of it back. Their are always exceptions of course. Many of these guys can really "whack" the fish.
    With fishing and hunting, we, as consumers of wildlife have the same dilemma. On the one hand we need large numbers of sportsmen buying licenses and spending money on fishing and hunting related services so we can influence outdoor related legislation and finance stream and lake maintenance such as boat ramps, stocking programs and habitat improvement. On the other hand, not too many of us want the "hords", whether they be tournament anglers or weekend warriors invading our own semi-private honey holes. Therein lies the dilemma. Particularly with tournament fishing. Tournament fishing, regardless of whether you like it or not attracts a bunch of folks to the fishing world that vote, spend money, and influence game and fish departments. We need the numbers but we hate the numbers. It's a love/hate relationship.
    Personally I enjoy the tournament scene from time to time and I also enjoy solitude. I can and do go both ways. To each his own I say. If you don't like it, don't participate and don't watch it on TV. In my opinion, the chance of competitive fly fishing ever hitting the big time is almost zero because most of the flyfishermen I believe are of the same mindset as Jim Hatch, Okiebass and Ohiotuber. I think flyfishers that think like me are way, way in the minority.
    If fly fishing tournaments did take off in an area close to me, I'd probably join in. I fish by myself most of the time but I also fish with fish counters, guys that want to beat me all the time, and guys that are very humble and just want to have a good day on the lake and want me to do the same. I prefer to fish with the latter but I get a kick out of the former type too. I just can't take too much of them in large doses. I say enjoy it either way. It's all just fishin' and it's supposed to be fun and if you like the tournaments, go for it and if not, don't do it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Idaho falls ID. USA


    I disagree! I compete every cast, and so do you. each time you and I try to do it better, trying to make the perfict cast, ty the perfict fly. When we at the office fish together we have a traveling trophy and beleave me you don't want it on your door at work for the world to see! Show me a good loozzzer and I will show you a consistant loozzzer. I love to compete! and I hate to loozzze!!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2001
    McKinney TX USA
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    well said Robert,

    I have no problem with the tournaments as long as they aren't hassling me and my fishing and truth is we do need the numbers in our ranks to back us up at election time.

    I just personally avoid it like the plague and take comfort that that big money will hopefully help protect fishing overall.

    IM = robinrhyne@hotmail.com

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Oklahoma City, OK


    One of the reasons I got into fly-fishing was because I was fed up with tournament bassers' attitude. I used to fish tournaments using all the latest "bubba" gear" and it was becoming more and more stressful as the boats got bigger and the cutthroat competition interferred with the fun. When I started fly-fishing without the competition it brought back all the warm fuzzies that attracted me to fishing in the first place. Now I still compete hard, but only within myself to catch fish and I log every fish I catch over a certain size to help me get better at it, but tournament flyfishing -- I hope it stays away forever!

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