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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005



  2. #2



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    I got to knbow Carter Nelson who creted this fly when he was in charge of the fly fishing at Calloway gardens. He showed me a couple of patterns and the one the works the best for me I understood to be called the Carter's Dragon. I have been using this fly very successfully for about 4 years, however, I may have misunderstood him as to the name of the fly. The recipe I have from Carter is as follows:

    Carter?s Dragon

    Hook: 1X long hook size 6 to 12
    Thread: Black 6/0
    Tail: Small bunch of black rabbit fur ? 2 pieces of silver Krystal Flash on each side
    Body: Black chenille or mohair yarn
    Collar: Hackel, either black, grizzly, olive or silver badger
    Beard: Black Krystal Flash
    Eye: Black or silver dumbbell eyes

    Fairly straightforward fly to tie. Tie in a bunch of black rabbit fur for the tail. Add two pieces of Krystal flash on each side of the tail for some flash. Tie in the chenille and wrap the thread to the eye of the hook. Tie in the dumbbell eyes. Wrap the chenille up to the eyes and tie off. Clip excess chenille. Tie in a hackle feather by its tip. Make two wraps for the collar, tie off and clip excess. Tie in a small bunch of black Krystal Flash on the under side of the hook directly in front of the dumbbell eyes. The Krystal flash should reach to the end of the hook.

    Fish this pattern by letting it sink for about 10 seconds. Then make very quick 3-6? strips with a two second pause between strips. This is an excellent winter bluegill fly, but hold on, because bass and crappie find it equally irresistible.

    I hope this helps.

    Jim Smith

  4. #4


    I met a guy named Kent Edmonds which has a web site [url=http://www.flyfishingga.com:dc6b6]www.flyfishingga.com[/url:dc6b6] which has the recipe for Carter Nelson's Rubber Legged Dragon. Mr. Nelson's email is abledog@hotmail.com.

    Great fly for blue gills, Bass and anything else that moves.

  5. #5


    Sorry web site should be [url=http://www.flyfishga.com:36147]www.flyfishga.com[/url:36147]

  6. #6


    island fly,

    Thanks for the update. My link above is to Kent's old site.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Tyler, Texas,USA


    Have used that Georgia recipe for the RLD and simplified it a little. We've found just wrapping the chennile on around the eyes in a criss cross makes an easier head than the dubbed head. Don't think the fish know the difference. We haven't tried tying the hackle on as suggested above, but may give that a go.

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