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Thread: I blew it

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there

    Default I blew it

    OK ? I understand confession is good for something, but in my state of pis**ness, I don't quite remember what. This is already two days old, and I just can't put it behind me. Yes, I realize I was wrong. So was the other guy. And yes, I know two wrongs don't make it right. So I'm confessing my error, and even asking for forgiveness, as I have forgiven him, even though he won't see this, unless my error was committed against one of my own FAOL family members, which makes it even more heinous.

    I lost my cool with someone. My usual gracious, patient, kind self got blown clean outa the water! A semi-youngish (40's?) fellow with a little girl in tow started fishing the stream where Cary and I were fishing. The section we were in was about 200 yards long, with great riffles, and a few super pools. Trout are abundant along its entire length; they're wary and know all the flies one could ever throw at them, but they're there. This guy started at the end nearest Cary, cut him a wide berth, and continued up stream, hawking his fly with the bobber as he went. When he reached the place I'd been fishing, he continued to lob his fly right in front of me, and let it drift down ? repeatedly. Then, he went over the spillway, to the opposite banks ? all of 3 feet away from me, and continued to flop the fly next to, and in front of me. I'd already given him ?the look? a half a dozen times; the little girl got it, but he didn't. And that's when I lost it.

    ?Am I invisible to you?!?? He says, ?I'm not doing anything wrong.? I said, ?You're casting right in front of me! Why are you doing that when there's plenty of open water here (sweeping my arm down stream to emphasize the openness)?!?? Him, ?Hey, I'm just trying to catch a fish so she can reel it in!? Me, ?Fine, just do it somewhere else.? Then I said, ? ?I was here first.? Him, ?I'm leaving!? (Angrily) Me, ?Thank you!? (Sarcastically) Repeat, ?I'm leaving!!? Repeat, ?Thank you!! (Through clenched teeth)

    What a great example I was to fly-fishing. Couldn't he have said, ?Mind if I fish through??, or, ?I'm trying to catch a fish for my daughter, got any tips??. He**, I'd have given him any hook I had in my boxes! Couldn't I have just walked away? He didn't crowd out Cary, why did he think he could me? Why did he feel he could set an example like that to his daughter? Why did I have to set such an example to his daughter?

    The whole thing just makes me sick. I've never done anything like that before, and I hope this weighs my conscience enough that I will never do that again, as long as I live. My fishing manners were lacking, and even though his were atrocious, I'm supposed to be a bigger person than that. I know better.

    I'm sorry.

    Trouts don't live in ugly places
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  2. #2



    I've been there and done that. Don't know if I was right or wrong but still felt bad about it.

    What a wonderful lady to care so much.

    Steve (Rookie)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Bonneau, SC USA


    Hi Betty,

    I strongly suspect that you had already
    exhibited much more patience than God gave
    most of us before you lost your cool. I
    would have to say that on a scale of 1 to
    10, you probably scored at least a 9+. It
    never ceases to amaze me just how dense
    some folks can be. Don't beat yourself up
    over this one. There were only two options
    as I see it. You could either correct the
    interloper or you could have deserted the
    waters you were fishing to avoid a
    confrontation. Neither solution would have
    been particularly appealing but the situation was not of your making. Perhaps
    the gentleman (sic) learned something from
    the interaction.*G* Warm regards, Jim

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Mesa, Arizona USA



    Please Don't be so hard on yourself, at least one positive came out of your experience that day, and I will share my perception (right or wrong) on this in a moment!

    You gave this person more than ample warning, he did not heed it. Was it ignorance on his part, or just sheer lack of respect? At what point is it ok to express your disappointment in others actions, especially when they so rudely impose upon you?

    This rude individual was a "Trespasser"! He had no intention of showing you any respect, and actually invited your assistance of enlightenment, under the watchful eyes and ears of his daughter!

    I understand your inner struggle with what you percieve as a completely wrong approach to this whole senario, but I also wish to express to you that life lessons always come with a price tag. Some extremely more costly than others, and they are often very hard learned, and very hard taught!

    The father in this case, may actually be an idiot, and may garner nothing more from your encounter than a reason to blame the bad day of fishing on you. Shame on him!

    Here is that positive I mentioned above. This whole senario may have been a well orchastrated life lesson for a future fisherwoman!

    This young girl already appears to be a very perceptive young lady, and was fully aware of the wrong doings that were unfolding right in front of her. Respect and wisdom often come through a series of hard learned lessons that usually leave us bloodied and tattered.

    She will never forget what she learned that day, and hopefully will apply this knowledge on future fishing trips.

    You may even have the fortune of running into her one day on the river, and may she thank you for sharing with her a lesson in proper river etiquette, respect, and the willingness to speak up and right a wrong.

    I respect the fact you did not tuck your tail between your legs and concede in the face of this trespasser. You may be bloodied and tattered from this chance encounter, but the lessons taught and learned will long be remembered; and hopefully passed on to whomever this little fisherwoman shares a river with in the future!

    Betty, anyone who knows you, also knows what a sweet and caring person you are.

    I'll admit I've been guilty of quick reactions and also doing things on the spur of the moment without thinking and then later regretting them, who hasn't?

    I shant be the first one to throw any rocks into glass houses!

    Just my .02's worth, for what it's worth.

    Your friend,

    "The solution to any problem - work, love, money, whatever - is to go fishing, and the worse the problem, the longer the trip should be." - John Gierach

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Carmel, ME USA



    Far be it from me to spread words of wisdom about controlling ones temper. Never have been very good at that myself.

    I'm with Terry on this one. Could be that the little girl's Dad was just a boor, thinking he could push a woman off the river. (He did give Cary a wide berth.)

    Perhaps litt Jane Doe got a couple lessons that day. 1. Her Dad is an impolite fool. 2. River ettiquet is really pretty simple. And last but not least 3. She has as much right to be on the river as any macho man
    Happiness is wading boots that never have a chance to dry out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    Forget that guy! He's a JERK! WE (FAOLers) are the only ones whose opinions matter!
    Seriously, the FIRST thing I picked up on (as did REE) was that the guy gave Cary (male) a wide berth, but encroached upon your space, apparently without a second thought, IMO because you are ONLY a woman. His behavior toward you was disrespectful at the very least. Personally, I admire your restraint, as that guy needed to be ground into mulch!

    You can call me Mike & you can call me Mikey..Just remember that this site's about sharing!
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  7. #7
    nighthawk Guest


    The fact that it bothers you that you lost your temper speaks volumes about the great person you are. Now stop beating yourself up. Appears to me also that this jerk has something against women. You did the right thing and I am proud of you. You stood up to a chauvinist and showed that young lady she doesn't have to take some guys crap.

    Eric "nighthawk"

    American veteran and proud of it!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2002


    I think maybe the guy just used the little girl as an excuse. He is a boor and his behavior was inexcusable. If more people would speak out as you finally did perhaps just a few of them would get the message. You have done absolutely nothing to have regrets about.. Next time wade to shore and let the air out of his tires.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Carmel, ME USA


    Notice that Mantis said tires not tire. I vote for all four.
    Happiness is wading boots that never have a chance to dry out.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    .......& use an ice pick!
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

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