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Thread: Harold Hattaway gets a BIG Atta-Boy for all that he has done

  1. #1
    nighthawk Guest

    Default Harold Hattaway gets a BIG Atta-Boy for all that he has done

    I want to give you an Atta-boy for guiding me in the right direction on my recent purchase of a digital camera and more. Though I was not able to get the Sony we talked about I did get a Canon Power Shot A530 with memory chip and case. You saved me from a very big mistake and I am in your debt for that, Harold.

    The things that you do for people really amaze me, Harold. I recall after one of your recent treatments that you had become ill yet you continued to post so that we would know you were okay. Through all of that you kept your sense of humor up and helped us all to smile. No matter what you are going through, Harold, you always find the time and a way to respond to the needs of both others and myself. That is a very precious thing indeed. I can never thank you enough for your genuine caring and efforts. I know that one day we will meet, either here or in paradise, and what a glorious day that will be! Harold, for all that you have done and continue to do a great big Atta-Boy to you!

    I thought you might enjoy a few pictures from my new camera. I am still learning how to use the camera and post pictures. Take a walk with me along Fisherman?s Trail at Little Buffalo State Park. All my prayers and thanks to you, Harold.

    Fisherman's Trail

    Indian grind stone at Shoaff's mill

    Shoaff's Mill

    Clay's Bridge

    The Moore Pavillion

    Amy's $25 dollar yard sale combo

    Eric "nighthawk"

    American veteran and proud of it!

    [This message has been edited by nighthawk (edited 18 June 2006).]

    [This message has been edited by nighthawk (edited 18 June 2006).]

    [This message has been edited by nighthawk (edited 18 June 2006).]

    [This message has been edited by nighthawk (edited 19 June 2006).]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    Well said! As you & I discussed at dinner this past Friday, Harold has always made the effort to help & support others in this community, many times when he was probably suffering. Always upbeat & positive...Harold, you are indeed an FAOL Treasure!

    You can call me Mike & you can call me Mikey..Just remember that this site's about sharing!
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  3. #3


    Thanks Guys;

    Eric what lovely pictures, I enjoyed the journey. Keep it up, I love covered bridges never seen one close up so I have to look at pictures until I stumble across one.

    It has always been my belief that people around you make you who you are. I have been around some great people in my life, I have been a part of history and know the meaning.

    When I sit with my fellow pirates and enjoy a meal or fishing it is very spiritual to me. Just being with Stev, Flats, Ed, Purebs and others makes what I am going through so much easier...
    As I said before the cancer will not kill me. (not so sure about the side effects...<grin> ) I am a fighter and will not give up. I look at things from the other side as much as possible. So do most of our family here on FAOL.

    So many of you have helped in my recovery, it is easy for me to care about each and everyone of you.

    ohiotuber you have always been one of the people that has earned my respect. You and Eric and the family come to Florida sometime we will tell lies about the Flats Dude and D. Micus. But most of all we will eat, drink (ice tea for me) and have a great time. I'll even show you a place to wade and have 17 foot sharks play with your toes.

    Both of you are welcome at my table any time. Thanks for everything


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Gilbert, Iowa, USA


    HH, if you want covered bridges come on up to Iowa, {insert joke here}, we got a bunch, even some who "starred" in some movies.

    You are indeed a special person, one of several here that I know I will meet sooner or later.

    swen-the other day angler

  5. #5
    nighthawk Guest


    You are a mind reader too. Mike and I were talking about how much we would like to take a trip down your way. Should you want to travel you are always welcome here. We have over 200 covered bridges in Pa and the largest portion of them are in my area. Bet we could get Mike to come over and we could fish the Susquehanna for smallies. Here is a bridge in a state park on Slippery Rock Creek near my hometown. This park is not far from the place where Mike and I like to meet. [url=http://www.pbase.com/twdarby/mcconnells:99431]http://www.pbase.com/twdarby/mcconnells[/url:99431]
    I agree with you about the people we are around. I think that's why we like this site so much. Really great folks here.

    Eric "nighthawk"

    American veteran and proud of it!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    Thanks for the compliment. Coming from you, it means a great deal. DO NOT be surprised if Eric & I tell you we're headin' south. On the other hand, we have some decent fishing up here, and stuff like the Pro Football Hall of Fame within a mile of my house. Of course, you are always welcome here.

    You can call me Mike & you can call me Mikey..Just remember that this site's about sharing!
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002


    Always great to see Harold post.!! Stay out of the sun for a while till the scratchies are over. Harold, you are amazing and your attitude unbeatable !! We all think about you often... warm regards...Bob

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