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Thread: ladyfishers "joke"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    new york state

    Default ladyfishers "joke"


    thank you from the bottom of my heart for your column today. i would very much appreciate it if you would stop whatever you are doing at this time and stand up and take a bow to all four corners of the world. next find JC and have him give you a great big hug and a kiss from me because i am too darned far away to do it myself.

    just a thought on peta, perhaps a better meaning for their initials would be "PERSONS EMULATING TOTAL ***HOLES". i hope that will fit into the gentlemanly column. if not edit it as you see fit.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Elida, Ohio


    I agree, kudos LF, but my Grandfather taught me that PETA stood for People Eating Tasty Anmials...You know what they say...Gramps is never wrong!

    "A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her."
    -W.C. Fields

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Elida, Ohio


    One more thing while I am at it....remember that "Vegetarian" is just an old Indian word for Poor Hunter.

    I must be off!

    "A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her."
    -W.C. Fields

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Knoxville, TN 37920 USA


    I also appreciate your column this week LF. John

    I wish you all everlasting flies and tight lines.
    I wish you all everlasting flies and tight lines.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Southern Illinois


    Lets see here LF you have psoted another great statement for the cause.but I think we all must realize that the term PC is actually "politicly correct" but let us analize this first the word Politicly.This implies politics opppppps isn't that something never discussed or cussed in polite company!!!!!!!! Correct, this word implies being right with out error.If you add the two together that would imply that a politition is right and we ALL know that that is NOT gonna happen.
    Just a little chuckle and food for thought on being PC.I know I'm not PC because A;I am not a politition and B;My wife assures me I am NEVER right.
    loved the article ,Dennis

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Southern Illinois


    Oh BTW forgot the newest translation for PETA
    Pinheads eating tofo again!

  7. #7
    nighthawk Guest


    Loved that article. LadyFisher, you are one great American! A friend once told me that the word politics comes from the root words: Poli, meaning many and tics, meaning small blood sucking creatures. I think you all know by now that I am about as far from being p.c. as a person can get. Time to go get some deer steaks out of the freezer.

    Eric "nighthawk"

    American veteran and proud of it!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    I have been reading this site for several months, but the commentary about political correctness invoked my desire to join the forum. I could not agree more with you on the discrimination we as outdoor enthusiasts are subjected to in todays America. My choice to spend as much available time as I can on the waters of East Tennessee is just that...MY CHOICE, and I should not be judged, persecuted, or looked at as a slack jaw just because of my interests.

    Having said that, I proudly join your membership and wish all of you tight lines and much joy as you pursue the sport/artform we call fly fishing.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Bonneau, SC USA


    Hello Marc,

    Welcome to FAOL. I hope you get much
    enjoyment from this site. Tons of good
    stuff archieved away and more coming each
    week. Lot's of knowledeable folks sharing
    info as well. Kick back and enjoy. By all
    means, stop by the chatroom and visit.

    I've been looking at your part of the
    country a good bit lately. Lots of neat
    cabins available for daily and weekly
    rentals, right next to decent trout streams.
    Sounds like a great place to spend a quiet
    week with the wife and maybe drown a few
    flies as well. Again, welcome! Warm
    regards, Jim

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Crozet, Virginia


    ***Posted this reply on its own page. Sorry, I'm new.***

    Bravo to Ladyfisher for her article, "The Joke". If only there were more like her out there, the world may not be so twisted. I'm an active duty Marine and political correctness is something that I'm forced to deal with. It makes my blood boil when I see and hear about people from PETA and ELF causing more destruction and death to animals than the average hunter or fisherman. These people claim to be so righteous, but in most cases they're no better than any one of us who visit this website. So to the Ladyfisher, I applaud you. To those whom she referred to in her article, I can only hope that you may someday see the light and realize that hunters and fisherman do a lot in the way of conservation. If we didn't, we wouldn't have anywhere to go to do the things that we all love to do.

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