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Thread: Posts lacking Info

  1. #1

    Default Posts lacking Info

    How do you feel about "Members" that do not post their location or e-mail address? They must have both to access this board but for some reason are "SCARED" to post the information!
    I've never had a problem with this and have made some very good friends through this site.
    My Rant is on the "Members" that post but will not tell us who they are!!

    I feel more like I do now than I did when I got here!

    Cactus AKA "Lucky Dog (Pirate Name)"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    Jack, I gotta agree...especially when the posts don't seem like something a new member would post...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Bonneau, SC USA


    Hey Jack,

    Part of me is in complete agreement with
    your post. I get to know someone here on
    FAOL. Feel like old friends. One day we
    arrange a meet. Oops, I'm late. Hmmm. I
    guess I could get the manager to page Olde
    Fly Flopper for me over the PA.*G* But in
    all seriousness Jack, You didn't post your
    street address, or phone number, or your
    wifes first name and middle initial. But it
    took me less than 60 seconds to get them.
    If I called your phone and told your wife
    that I was delivering a fly rod and quoted
    some tidbits from the boards, and pulled up
    in the driveway with a rod tube, would she
    open the door to me? Maybe not, but you
    gotta admit it's a scarey scenario. I can
    understand why some folks are reluctant to
    do so. That said, I remain Jim Hatch.*G*
    I yam who I yam and thats who I yam.
    Warm regards, Jim

  4. #4


    i dont really see it as much of a priblem unless a sale is involved. without enuff info it can get scary then

    princess anne, eastern shore of md.
    Princess Anne, Md

  5. #5


    i only use my real name and where i am in my signature because i live in a very popular trout fishing destination. i figure if someone one wants to come out this way, its nice for them to know they "have a friend".

    my email is always available to give me a heads up, of course.

    i guess with all the freaky-deaky people in this world, its sometimes wise to protect your identity. i wouldnt be so free with my personal info, if i didnt so completely trust 99% of the people on this site...

    Everyone dies. Only the lucky ever truly Live. Take your time.

    Chris-Bishop, CA, USA

    [This message has been edited by tyflier (edited 17 October 2005).]

  6. #6


    If a person, for whatever reason, doesn't feel comfortable giving out non-required information then he/she shouldn't. If, on the other hand, that information is 'required' to enter a site or participate then that person will have to weigh whether to give it or not. Since FAOL does not require the information, then it's our individual choice.

    Regarding sales, I look at longevity, how that person has responded in posts, chat room conversations and any personal contact I've had with the person.


  7. #7


    J.C. you are a kind and generious man and very probably right. No, you are right! We may just expect too much of new members.
    I have had the priviage to meet some of our members, fishing, grouse hunting, Cabela'shopping

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Southern Illinois


    As tyflier will atest to I have a VERY unique last name and after have a theft of Identity I am very cautious.I have always like some anonimity on the web.When conducting business with a private indevidual though They recieve any and all Info Needed.As to the boards the most many will recieve from me is my first name.yes it may be a touch of Paranoia but tis life.Besides WE are feeling MUCH BETTER since they changed my medications!!!!
    Dennis, from a hick town in Southern Illinois

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    I also believe that an important piece of info is "general" location. I have no problem stating I'm Mike Flanagan from Canton, Ohio and understand some folks notr wanting to divulge that much information, but divulging "Mike from northeast Ohio" isn't exactly compromising a family's safety, but it sure helps in answering questions for a general geographical area, & IMHO shows a measure of trust in our community.

    This site's about sharing!

    [This message has been edited by ohiotuber (edited 18 October 2005).]
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    but mike, doesn't that jepordize your place in the witness protection program?

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