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Thread: Thanks a lot Katrina!

  1. #1
    nighthawk Guest

    Default Thanks a lot Katrina!

    You ruined my day of fly fishing but that is nothing compared to what you did to the folks in Florida and the Gulf Coast. My thoughts and prayers are with those poor folks tonight. I have been watching the news about all of the communities that have been wiped out. I have a good friend in Mississippi and I cannot get in touch with him. I don't recall so many deaths since Camille hit that area. I went through three of those storms in Alabama and Texas. They are dangerous things not to be taken lightly. BTW I understand the Wal-Mart has already donated 1 million dollars and other resources to the victims. That company never ceases to amaze me. I just feel so bad for those poor people. If my work asks for voluteers to go down there I will go.

    Eric "nighthawk"

    When asked how he felt during his first American space walk Astronaut Edward White responded "I feel red, white and blue all over".

  2. #2
    nighthawk Guest


    Still no word from my friend. I am trying to remain hopeful.

    Eric "nighthawk"

    Air Cavalry all the way! When a voice cries out in distress, we will be there, no matter what the cost.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    You know I'm praying for your friend down south. Years ago, when the 5 tornados hit the Newton falls/Niles Ohio area, I worked as Business Office Manager at a hospital in Warren, Oh. I drove through Newton Falls, and when I pulled in the drive, Colleen ran out & said tornados were wreaking havoc & the Admin secretary was on the phone. I was 1st on the disaster call list after the VPs & the Admin Secretary Lana advised me that I couldn't get through but also told me I missed driving into them by less than 1/2 hour & advised me of the damage. That was about 8pm & I was up all night checking on my 23 employees. It was around 4pm the next day when I had finally verified all my "gals" & their families were ok. I think one of the WORST parts of any natural disaster is the decreased ability to communicate. Luckily, in my case, I had worked as an Investigator for the State of Ohio just before taking the hospital job, so I had a really strong set of contacts in the area.
    Hint re your friend, Eric....do you know his/her relatives?..if not, and the last name is NOT Smith, Jones, etc, check an Atlas & a phone book for possible relatives, or call me & we'll find out where they are. I'm pretty lucky with hunches!

    [This message has been edited by ohiotuber (edited 02 September 2005).]
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  4. #4
    nighthawk Guest


    I got great news when I fired up the p.c. My buddy Janos skipped out to Sarasota! He is from Hungary so tracking him through his family was just about impossible. But he got my messages. He worked for me in one of the truck stops I managed. Kind of a neat thing that you and I talked about living in a foreign land and learning their language. Janos made it his goal to learn english and he speaks our language quite well even with my teachings. I wish everyone could meet him because he can really open eyes about life behind the iron curtain. I broke down in tears just hearing from him. Praise The Lord that Janos is safe. Praise The Lord for friends like you, Mike. As I count my blessings you are at the top of the list! Janos tells me that his apartment and the restaurant where he worked are destroyed. Had he stayed he probably would have been killed. He said he didn't really like Biloxi and hopes to return to Pa. By the way, he is quite the fisherman and I think I can get him into fly fishing.

    Eric "nighthawk"

    Air Cavalry all the way! When a voice cries out in distress, we will be there, no matter what the cost.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    It appears the "silver lining" of this dark cloud is that a good friend of yours may well be moving back closer to you. You'll have to teach him to flyfish & I'm sure he'll also catch the fever....btw, I DO have a 4wt Scott/Tioga setup dying from neglect due to my 3 wt & my bamboo....might Janos consider "adoption"??..(just say the word)

    [This message has been edited by ohiotuber (edited 02 September 2005).]
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

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