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Thread: Florida Fish-In Day One

  1. #1

    Default Florida Fish-In Day One

    In by email:

    Thought I got a late start by sleeping in & going to the local newspaper office to get 30 copies of the weekly Waterline fishing magazine for the pirates at 9 am. Sat at the Kingfish Cafe drinking iced tea waiting for the attendees. Met Les & Judy Maynard, gave them some fish-in info packets; they got a couple of cups of coffee around 10 am & we talked fly fishing in Florida & New York & the area around here. Then we had a show & tell about flies & gear. Flats Dude Gary Henderson & Ed 'Florida Flyer ' Mercado showed up just after we had ordered lunch, so they ordered a couple of iced teas & talked fly fishing with us. Presented both with info packets & got pesented with the Dudes' famous bendback pattern for coordinating the event! Thanks Gary! The decision was that they would check in & we would go fish the flats after stopping in at the local flyshop when lunch was concluded. We had a couple of pictures taken by Judy, who was going to read by the pool while we fished. At Casey Key Anglers introduced Kevin Cook to the pirates & we happened upon the Tidy's, Ken & Diane; who needed to get a bite to eat & saltwater fishing licenses. We had agreed to meet them at the Blind Pass beach flats fishing area, but it seems they had driven all the way to the south end of the barrier island because they were at Stump Pass State Park; while we were fishing at the middle beach recreation area. Despite all the finger mullet getting chased & greyhounded across the flats; we unfortunately did not catch a fish in about 3 hours. Had a few good follows, but as it just ended up being a great day for wading & practiceing fly casting in upper 70 degree weather, seems we'll do it again tomorrow! Maybe they'll be reason to get the cameras out, as the large amount of baitfish was consistent with the high probability of game fish being there. Did get to see an eagle flying around, a few pelicans feating on the finger mullet and an almost cloudless sky. Just another day in paradise! Left them back at the hotel, after a few more mesmerizing fishing stories from Gary, as they were going to all try to get together for dinner. Tomorrow mornings breakfast is to plan another fly fishing outing for the day! saltydancindave

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Upper 70's Deanna? It is 25F, light snow and same ole same ole...my heart has been eaten out. I envy you but don't regreat your having fun in the warm south. The heat of the article has already warmed me up...keep up the great blow by blows, Jonezee

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    For a moment the novelet led me to believe she was experiencing the moment in the warm south and enjoying the day with old friends. I am back to reality and cold from the Michigan climate once again....I will survive.

    Jim, you and LadyFisher are an insperation to lots of us here , the articles and threads may be the only thing that keep some of us going when it comes to combining fly fishing and long winters. Thanks for the fantastic journies. Jonezee

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    Would you's guys puleeze get this guy to come back home? he is seroiusly terrorizing the Fall River Mills area, trying to collect some troutoids for bait!

    .....lee s.

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