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Thread: Dream Vise?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Newark, NY US

    Default Dream Vise?

    If price were no object, what vise would you choose for a lifetime of tying?

  2. #2


    Based upon reputation alone, I would select the Law Bench Vise.

    I haven't used one nor have I seen one in person. I've read enough from the "masters" like Hans, etc., to realize this is the vise.

    [url=http://www.rockymtnfly.com:2547b]Rocky Mountain Fly[/url:2547b]

  3. #3


    Law is up there, but the Dingo is pretty attractive too. My brother ties on a Renzetti Presentation. Very nice, but for pretty much the same money, I think the LAW would have to be the way to go for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Ames, Iowa, USA



    $640.00!!!! I can see why it would be the only one you would every own.


  5. Default

    My choice would be a Norvise with the fine jaws. With the fine jaws you can tie almost any size hook large or small. I tie down to a size 28 with it so far.

  6. #6


    Even with money be no object, the vise I'd like to have is unobtainable. I believe there were only 4 of these Renzetti vises ever made. I think they were 'Master' prototypes, with all the gizmos and stored in a cushioned-lined handcarved attache' case. The one that I saw was too much for words. However, even if I owned it, there's a good chance I'd never actually use it.



  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Newark, NY US


    Where could buy a LAW vise? I've pictures on the home site, but I can't even locate a price?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    I currently tie on a NorVise and I would not swap it for any other vise including the Law Bench vise. I jsut really like to NorVise system and it works very well for me. There are a bunch of very good vises to choose from. Much like rods or reels once you hit the top tier of tying vises, they are all excellent, it just depends on personal preference. IMHO

    Jim Smith

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Rancocas Woods Mt Laurel, N.J. USA


    Well for me this year or next year I will purchase my dream and last vise. It will be the Renzetti Master. I tied on them and just love them. When it comes to vises, I say to each his own.

    Andy B

  10. #10


    fish: You need to deal direct with Lawrence in order to get the vise. It's going to run you well over $600 US, closer to $700 depending on the exchange with the Euro.

    I have tied on the LAW and it's a great vise--but it just does not work as well for me as it does for others. Like all vises, it needed some hefty modifications to suit my demands--and price was an issue. I do know that Lawrence has some options designed now that were not present on the vise I used.

    I'm in love with my JVise (JVice) and will recommend it to anyone who sees vises as I do.

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