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Thread: Hook quality hierarchy?

  1. Default Hook quality hierarchy?

    How would you rate the quality (irrespective of price) of the various brands of hooks for freshwater uses? Who's at the top of your list? Who's in the middle?

    Where is Partridge, Tiemco, Mustad and the others and on your quality scale?

    I'm interested because I'm getting back into flytying after many years of not tying and I've noted that the choices today are varied and many. I learned on Mustad hooks and pretty much used only them. But, I want to "update" my knowledge on what's available and what's the "best". So, I'm looking for your "expert" opinions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA


    Depends on use, but after years of commercial tying, and literally thousands of flies, my choices are:

    Saltwater: Gamakatsu
    Freshwater Streamers: Daiichi
    Size 2-22 Trout Flies: Daiichi
    Size 22-28 dry fly hooks: Mustad
    Size 12-30 scud hooks: Tiemco

    Late to bed,
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    I use several different brands.
    Mustads are a little heavier nd drop a little faster. Dai-riki are thinner and don't drop as fast.
    I think it might depend on what you want to do.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Grovetown,GA,United States


    I have used Mustad Signature hook for almost a year and have yet to find a hook with a deffect. Also not a a bad price. To bad they only come in packs of 25.

    [This message has been edited by irondragon013 (edited 06 December 2005).]

  5. #5


    Riverdancer and others responding would you mind mentioning if your choices include the Mustad Signatures since they are relatively new.

    I'm stocking a second location with hooks and am strongly considering the Signatures....so I'm sort of in the same boat as bimini....

    [This message has been edited by ducksterman (edited 06 December 2005).]

  6. #6


    First you have to understand that most hooks made in Japan are made in one of two factory's and are made to the same quality control. The big difference anymore is in the styles. That is were people may differ. At least that is were they should differ.

    It would seem that hooks are being made all over the place anymore. I still use some of the old Mustad hooks and find nothing wrong with them. They may not be as pretty as the newer hooks but guess what ? The fish sure don't care. I wish fishermen understood that as I am stuck with one heck of a lot of old style Mustad hooks. But that is OK I will get them used up, or not?

    For tying orders now I for the most part us Dai-Riki hooks Which were made in japan and are now being made in Korea in there own plant. I do like there new hooks this year. They are well made and seem to work just fine. I have caught some real nice fish on thme with no problem. Ron

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Deep Southern Illinois


    I'm a frugal tyer so I look for deals to get hooks cheap. Even Walmart.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA



    I've found the signatures to be razor sharp like the Japanese hooks, but too weak in the smaller sizes for me. I've bent plenty of those hooks straight on bigger fish. The good old 94840 however is stronger than most Japanese hooks in sizes 20-28.


    You're right about the Mustads. They are a good hook for 85% of what people are tying. The Japanese hooks are sharper, have better finishes, and smaller barbs ( this I really like ), but for most people, they are over kill. Having said that, I still use Daiichi hooks for 80% of my tying because my clients demand that type of stringent quality.

    Late to bed,
    Early to Rise,
    Guide all day,
    Tie more flies!

  9. #9


    I use Daiichi for 99% of my dries & nymphs and Tiemco for most of my streamers and the other 1% of dries & nymphs. Mustad fills in the gaps.

    I think Ron's assessment is spot on; the quality is there in all the leading brands it's just styles that make the difference.

    IMHO you can't go wrong with any of the leading brands.

    ?Whiskey will get you through times of no fish better than fish will get you through times of no whiskey? (apologies to Freewheelin' Franklin)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    St. John's, Newfoundland,Canada


    You can't go wrong with mustads, I used 79580's(streamer) to tie most of my salmon flies this year, size 10 landed me 2 grilse.

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