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Thread: casting accuracy

  1. #1

    Default casting accuracy

    might of missed the post but never saw one about casting accuracy,,see lots about shooting the whole line,or how far one can cast,does any one still put fly in a tea cup at 30 or more feet? was always told thats what is needed to put a fly in a feeding lane.

  2. #2


    For every "distance" practice session, I probably do 10 "accuracy" practice sessions. Just don't have that much interest in "chucking it out there". Probably because of the waters I generally fish. (small streams) But I do want to be well rounded, so I do put a little time in on the distance casting.

    A favorite "accuracy" game of mine and my kids is: they each get a frisbee to toss randomly around the yard. (Of course they also have to throw it from my casting position.) Everytime I miss their disk, they get a penny candy. As you can imagine, with my casting, it's better than Halloween. Also, you think fish get into tight places... they've got nothing on a 5 year old looking for his next Tootsie Roll. The kids learn quick where Dad needs the practice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    GRAND idea "C",
    With some of the target fish we have available around here , we get to do both. Generally the stripers require more distance casting to cover water while blind fishing. The ponds demand spot casting to pull LM's out of the weeds.
    All a hoot.....
    .....lee s.

  4. #4


    Feeding lanes for bream and LMB here where I am are around reeds, cattails, lilypads, tree stumps, docks, bridge pilings, under tree branches, and so on. Spot casting like Lee said. Accuracy around structure (cover) is paramount for me. Most fish I catch are within 25 or 30 feet anyway so my glass rod works just fine giving me better accuracy and also helps with the high wind. I don't really need my graphite's added distance under these conditions. If the fish are really spooky, then my graphite would help me increase the distance to the spooky fish.

    Robert B. McCorquodale
    Sebring, FL

    "Flip a fly"
    Robert B. McCorquodale

    "Flip a fly"

  5. #5


    where i fish accuracy is key. im constantly needing to put files underneath overhanging braches across stream, or between 2 or3 convening "bushes" of weeds to hit the feeding lanes.

    i dont really "practice" accuracy, because evertime im fishing, its what i need more than distance.

  6. #6


    thanks guys , still a few of us that think accuracy is still important. lol,clueless great game with the kids.

  7. #7


    I'm of the school that without good form you won't cast far. That form carries over into good, accurate casts at all ranges for some of us. It's nice to be able to throw a neat, tight loop 30-40 feet into rhodo tunnels.

  8. #8



    Not to question your claim but I wonder how you accomplished those accurate casts. Let's assume you mean the can was that distance from your feet.

    What length and taper was the leader/tippet and did you have a fake fly at the end of the tippet?


    [This message has been edited by tyeflies (edited 25 March 2005).]

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Idaho falls ID. USA


    The key to hitting your spot is first to make sure your rod path is a strait line. after you have the windage done distance is the easy part. after you get that handled put a reach mend in to it both right and left. if you can still hit your mark at 50' you can fish anywhere in the world better than 99.9% of the folks out there.


  10. #10



    Please bear in mind I'm not questioning the results you describe. I'm just wondering about the technique.

    "The leader is 7.5' long with a yarn hunk for a fly."
    What 'x' size was the tippet at the fly?

    "... the fourth knocked the can over."
    It sounds like you were casting directly at, and with the energy of the cast ending at, the can.

    Your 'fly' made a ping(your word) when it hit the can. Must have been some hunk of yarn.


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