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Thread: SLF dubbing?

  1. Default SLF dubbing?

    Davy Wotton developed SLF a number of years ago and it was quite a hit then, as there wasn't much synthetic dubbing on the market.

    I'm getting back into fly tying after many years, and am beginning to build my stock of materials.

    What are your thoughts on SLF? How does it tie?

    Has it been surpassed by newer synthetic materials?

    What are YOUR favorite dubbing materials?


    [This message has been edited by bimini twist (edited 10 December 2005).]

  2. #2


    Not familiar with use of SLF.

    Favorite dubbing materials: rabbit, muskrat, mole, beaver.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Bonneau, SC USA


    Hey Bimini,

    I'm not familiar with the SLF either, but
    one of the sponsors here, Ronn Lucas sells a
    pretty neat dubbing mix on his site in the
    Sponsor pages. I've been using it a lot of
    late and really like the stuff. It's called
    iridescent dubbing, comes in a nice color
    assortment in an applicator type plastic box. Take a look at it at: [url=http://flyanglersonline.com/about/ronnlucas/:0da22]http://flyanglersonline.com/about/ronnlucas/[/url:0da22]
    Warm regards, Jim

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    borden, PEI,Canada


    been picking up seal fur dubbing from john mclain at feathersmc.com, its great stuff, and affordable....colours cant be beat

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Amstelveen, The Netherlands


    bimini twist,

    Wapsi has taken over the material and distribution rights to the SLF. As synthetic dubbing materials go, it still ranks among the best.

    Hans W

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Wayne County, NY


    For Dries I use any superfine dubbing, for an Adams I like Muskrat underfur.

    For nymphs I've used a lot of different dubbings but keep coming back to hares mask.
    I haven't found anything to beat it really, though I do use Super Bright pretty oftain.

  7. #7


    I have used SLF off and on for several years, and I like it. Don't think of it as a substitute for seal's fur, although you can use it for that if you want. There is a very large range of colours and shades.
    I originally used it when the supplies of seal's fur seemed to be drying up but I know of several good sources over here now.
    Some of the shades and colours I haven't found anywhere but in SLF.
    I am too lazy to get into dyeing my own shades.

    Donald Nicolson (Scotland)


  8. #8



    I just got done tying 200 sowbugs with it... I HATE IT!!! LOL...(just joking)

    This is my first time using it.. But I will forsure use it again.. Not just by the way it dubs.. but also the sparkle and the colors it is made in..

    as for as the dubbing I like the best.. thats antron... I can do alot of different flies with antron.. from streamers, to nymphs, to dry flies...

  9. #9


    I have some SLF dubbing and like it. I've used in on a number of patterns and the box I has had a good selection of colors that are usable.

    Regarding some other dubbing types, you might check out the selection from Blue Ribbon Flies. [url=http://www.blueribbonflies.com/merchandise/flytying_dubbings.shtml:a14f3]http://www.blueribbonflies.com/merchandise/flytying_dubbings.shtml[/url:a14f3]
    I purchased some of the zelon and sparkle dubbing last summer and like the material.

    If you are looking for something really sparkly for nymphs, check out Ice dubbing. That stuff has worked very well on some nymph patterns.

    [url=http://www.rockymtnfly.com:a14f3]Rocky Mountain Fly[/url:a14f3]

  10. #10


    Mike K.[or anyone else]

    What qualities do you especially like about the seal fur dubbing vs. others?

    I looks like interesting stuff.

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