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Thread: fly boxes to the river?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Las Cruces, NM

    Default fly boxes to the river?

    When I get up in the morning, I decide where I am going and put the flies for the day in those little round containers if they are dries, or some kind of foam box for nymphs, but I wind up at the end of the year with about 15 little boxes and my big boxes empty - do you just take your big boxes out to the stream, or strip a few out each trip? At the end of the summer, I empty all the little boxes back into the big boxes.

  2. #2



    I have big boxes, medium size boxes and small boxes. I tie, that's why all the boxes. When I go on the stream to fish I only take one little box and a dozen flies. No vest, no net, no nothing except a rod and reel, extra tippet, and the flies I've chosen for that particular outing. If I catch fish that's good. If I don't catch any fish..tough! A minimalist never compromises his position.

    Later, RW

    "We fish for pleasure; I for mine, you for yours." -James Leisenring on fishing the wet fly-

    [This message has been edited by Royal Wulff (edited 19 November 2005).]
    "The value of trout is simply that they exist" <Frank Weisbarth>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Las Cruces, NM


    RW, if you were a true minimalist, you would only take one fly. Am I a maximilist?

  4. #4


    I carry many boxes with me. I do not believe you can have to many flies on you. I will keep many of them in the truck or boat but they are near to hand. I try and carry what I know is hatching on the streams that I fish. I use a lot of the smaller Myran style of boxes they are small and click together bottom to bottom. I can change boxes as hatchs come and go. I also use 5 C&F boxes. They hold a lot of flies and it is easier for me to thread small flies on. Getting older you know. I do not take from one box and add to another. WHY? Keep flies of a hatch in one small box and if the hatch is over for the year leave the box out of your vest. But still carry it in the Truck or Boat in a kit bag. To many times I have seen hatches come off that should not have been doing so. It's called being prepaired. Boy Scouts I guess?
    Hey if you want to carry one bare hook to fish with have at it. I have caught fish on a bare hook once. Gold hook and stuped high country lake fish. Good eating to. But I will carry enough to be prepaired. Ron

  5. #5


    herefishy, RW again,

    Carrying things to extremes aren't ya? What I carry in my truck is a different story as I once explained in a previous thread. We're talking strictly when I go on the stream. Besides, these days I'm never very far from my truck.


    "We fish for pleasure; I for mine, you for yours." -James Leisenring on fishing the wet fly-
    "The value of trout is simply that they exist" <Frank Weisbarth>

  6. #6


    I have one large box (currently something called a Bugger Barn) that I call a "cross over" box. It goes with me everywhere: bass, panfish,trout, river, lake. It has something for everything: streamers, buggers, nymphs and wets down to size 12, foam poppers. In fact, for warm water fish, it is all I need. When fishing for trout I add two more boxes: a C&F foam slit box for dries and terrestrials, and an thin foam box made by flambeaux with my smaller nyphs and wets.

    Peter F

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Roscoe, NY, USA


    I carry around 6-10 small boxes, but I tend to use only what I put in this one little box the night before. If I go on day trip I will use a few flies from another box here or there.

    Joe Fox

  8. #8



    it depends on where I'm fishing - San Juan, I carry two boxes (midge and leeches). Jemez, Pecos, Cimarron - 3 boxes(nymphs, dries, hopper/stones). a few Colorado spots, all six boxes I have.

    [This message has been edited by barel fly (edited 20 November 2005).]

  9. #9


    I use a Richardson Box that I modified to enable me to add or subtract trays as needed. I am usually set up with 3 trays which consist of two dry fly; one wet fly/streamer so I guess that's like 3 fly boxes.

    The reality is one box would probably do me fine 90% of the time but with the chest box it's no big deal to carry 3. Like RW though I have a veritable fly shop back at the car...

    ...just in case.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    New York


    I keep my entire stock of trout flies in my vest, and always in the same boxes. Each time you go out, you never really know what you are going to need.

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