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Thread: What is a "Mentor"?

  1. #1

    Default What is a "Mentor"?

    On FAOL there has been many postings over the years about someone being a Mentor. What is a "Mentor, do we really understand the true meaning of the word?

    Mentor is a unusual word, that is rarely used, who's meaning is never quite fully understood.

    Merriam-Webster Reference Library defines a "Mentor" as follows...

    Mentor(noun): A trusted counselor or guide.

    Notice the the word "Mentor" is a noun, which means it is a person, . That the "Mentor is a counselor or guide.

    Counselor is one who give advise, but is not a teacher.

    Guide is one who leads or directs another's course. One who shows or explains points of interest or importance.

    One other aspect of "Mentor", that is not mentioned, is the ability to impart the belief, that anything and everything is possible! To impart the belief in one's self worth, and to discover hidden talents and skills, one did not know they possessed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    oregon usa


    Good post. I have had a couple mentors in my life. I believe that a true mentor helps a person to self-advocate, to focus on what is working, and to do one's best with the personal gifts at hand. ALso, a mentor is a humble person who gives from a place of grace and goodness.

  3. #3



    Agree with your definition of 'mentor' except for one thing.

    "Notice the the word "Mentor" is a noun, which means it is a person".

    Since when does a word being a noun mean it's a person?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    ,Yosemite region



    Your interpretation is very well stated.

    True Mentors are hard to come by. We should all aspire to this position in someones life.

    Steven H. McGarthwaite from what I have read
    and seen from your actions right here on this board you my freind are indeed a Mentor and I commend you for this.

    Take care!

    Steve Molcsan

    [This message has been edited by Steve Molcsan (edited 30 October 2005).]
    Relaxed and now a Full Time Trout Bum, Est. 2024

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002


    I think in this day and age many words have become interchangable. Right or wrong it is a word easily confused but I think when someone uses it we get the idea. Actually Websters New World Thesaurus, after listing the words you quote then continues: See Teacher, Instructor. The crossword puzzle dictionary also lists teacher as a substitute for mentor. Most of the time folks write a reply to a post in here off the top of their heads using words that come quickly. You notice no one jumps on a misspelling or the use of the word 'there' when they should have used 'their' or 'they're'.
    I am sure many know the difference and use it accordingly but those who don't...well, I think we still get the message. Nice of you to check out the dictionary and give us the straight scoop.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    San Jose,CA, USA


    Actually the word "mentor" can be either a noun or a verb.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    ,Yosemite region


    Most unfortunate most have never had a real

    A good Dad can and should be a 1st rate mentor. Mine surely was.

    And while it may be true that some school teachers are indeed mentors, or more closely a tutor. These breeds are very very rare.
    Please don't take this the wrongly good teachers are truly wonderful just most do not have the time to mentor in the true sense of the word.

    Gardenfish yours is the best discription.

    Take care!

    Steve Molcsan
    Relaxed and now a Full Time Trout Bum, Est. 2024

  8. #8


    I haven't had a mentor as to the definition pertaining to fly fishing or fly tying. both were pursuits I took up on my own and it took me quite some time to hook up w/ kindred souls. I don't feel untortunate at all. I've been blessed actually.


  9. #9


    I digress just a little ...but I was once told that a really good teacher was one who could teach you all he [she] knew so that you could then go on and be better than they.

    Actually I like to substitute the word "Parent".

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Tucson, Arizona USA


    I believe "mentor" is not only a noun, but an active noun (mix that verb in there) !!!!
    I have been lucky to have a few in my life, plus I count such web sites as FAOL & the friends I have gotten to know as true mentors
    in my tying & fly fishing !!!! I can only hope throughout my life, I have been seen in the same way !!!! That is our purpose on this earth !!!!!

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