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Thread: Has anyone tried

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Richmond Texas

    Default Has anyone tried

    Has anyone tried takeing a somewhat complex pattern to tie (one that regularly catches fish) and start leaving off materials one at a time to arrive at a fly that looks similar that still catches the same. I haven't tried it myself but thought I'd give it a try.

    Heck, if it still catches fish and takes a fraction of the time to tie, why not.

    Leo C.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    We have gone the other way with some bugs......but then we are not known to be the sharpest bodkin on the bench anyway!
    ....lee s.

  3. #3


    I think you will find that a lot of people have done this. It is for sure nothing new. Try tying a Hairs Ear without the wing case. Works just as well but is faster. But try and tell that to someone buying flies from you. LOL Ron

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Ontario, Canada


    One of my first woolly buggers had the hackle break off so I removed it completely and kept on fishing. Worked better. Now I carry both kinds.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002


    Part of the fun of Fly Tying is discovering things for yourself. It doesn't matter if a thousand other tyers have discovered it too. It is new to you. Keep on experimenting.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Tucson, Arizona USA


    Experimenting is a big part of fly tying.
    I always like to try various different approaches to a single pattern !!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Woodinville, WA, USA


    Your question is very interesting and logical one. I wonder if you can effectively run those experiments and get any conclusive information due to the variable nature of fishing, the numerous variables affecting your catch rate and the standard deviation in your catch numbers? For example, suppose you fish one day with the complete fly according to the design and you catch 10 fish. Ther next day you try the fly with one part missing and you catch 8 fish. The third day you fish with the fly with 2 parts missing and you catch 15 fish. Can you draw any useful conclusions from this information? Probably not because even though you controlled the number of variables in you fly pattern you could not control the weather, water temperature, river flow rates, food avaialbility, bug hatch rates, and numerous other variables. Thus, it is a very difficult experiement to perform and collect useful data. However, should you not do it? No, I say go for it! That's what make fishing so challenging and interesting. I would be intersted in the results.

    Dr Bob
    Bob Widmaier

    My biggest fear when I die is that my wife will sell my fly fishing gear for what I told her I paid for it!

  8. #8


    you could try here [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/alcampbell/archive.html:273d0]http://www.flyanglersonline.com/alcampbell/archive.html[/url:273d0]

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Bonneau, SC USA


    Hey Leo,

    It matters little if the fly is really
    truly better, more efficient, or just easy
    to tie. What matters is that you like it
    for whatever reason. Fishing after all is
    what we do to have fun and if you feel it's
    a better fly than the original, then it is
    to you.*G* Warm regards, Jim

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Richmond Texas


    Thanks everyone for your input. I never really gave it much thought as to what Dr Bob writes. I suppose it could be extreamly difficult to obtain any real hard data in a short period of time. I do believe that over a long time frame some fairly accurate data can be compiled.

    I'm still interested in hearing examples of flies you have shaved materials from that had an effect one way or the other.

    Leo C

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