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Thread: Ever find it hard to get started again?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Default Ever find it hard to get started again?

    I don't know what it is but after a lot of fishing time and being away from my vise for a long period I find it hard to get the seat of my pants in the seat of my chair and start tying again. I don't remember having this problem a few years ago. God I keep coming up with excuses...T.U. meeting, got to do yard work,...just one more trip to my favorite river, there's something going on at the museum, do I want to meet the guys for breakfast? Where? Sure..Can't be more than 50 miles away...pick you up at 8 A.M.....Some days I just stand in the garage doorway and watch the rain or the wind in the trees and think of all the flies I have promised and what I need for the up coming shows...What is wrong with me Doctor????? Funny thing is once I get going I keep going.
    If there is something scheduled on a particular day like a dentist appt, wedding, family get together, take the car for an oil change, some friend or relative coming over for dinner,..almost anything...it just screws up the entire day tying wise. I've made up list upon list and it seems that everything on the list gets done except 'start tying'.
    As I said before, once I get started things are fine., its the 'starting'..... Is it just me or does anyone else have this problem...I'll check back later..I'll just be outside getting the snow blower out of the shed so I can make room for some of the pool stuff.....

    [This message has been edited by mantis (edited 18 October 2005).]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Tucson, Arizona USA


    I get that once in a great while. At this point I feel I am always very much behind on my tying (& this is a side business as well).
    I do what I can & make the time !!! Go to the refrig & grab a cold beer, Pour a scotch straight up (I prefer Glennfiddich), or whatever beverage; Close yourself in your flytying room & announce to everyone you don't want to be bothered. You deserve the "me" time. Believe me, when others demand (or other things) demand too much of your time where you lose your enjoyment, it is time to draw the boundaries !!! It is worse (as I mentioned before) when tying is also a side business !!!!!

  3. #3


    this is the time of year I have a hard time getting my butt to the stool in the tying den. there's college and professional football, baseball playoffs and now we've got hockey back. watching all this nonsense on tv keeps me from putting in the time I'd like to at the bench.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Anderson, South Carolina (Northwest corner of SC) USA


    Hey mantis,

    It really depends on how badly I need the flies. If I haven't emptied a section of one of my fly boxes and haven't been inspired by any fly fishing mags or new books, I feel no great presssure to tie. If I need flies for a particular trip or I have promised flies to a friend, I can really buckle down and knock them out. I just hung my last beadhead GRHE about 15 feet up in a river birch, so I'll be tying soon.

    BTW, no hard feelings about the Fish Hog post which I notice is now gone. I just felt that Reuel was getting piled on a little bit too much. Thanks for your clarification. 8T

    You had better learn to be a happy camper. You only get one try at this campground and it's a real short camping season.

  5. #5


    One rule I made for myself was to only fish with flies I tied. Because of the ever changing nature of water, this forces you to tie all the time, or break the promise to yourself. Tying well is a hard earned skill. Don't lose it!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Nashville, TN. USA
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    I happens to me too. And the longer it has been since last I tied the harder it seems to be to get back to it. Right now, one last trip to my favorite river means that I'll have to take a spinning rod. As I mentioned to some folks a couple of TU meetings back, if they ever start citing people for littering when we hang flies in the trees and bushes, I'm gonna have to get a new hobby. I keep telling myself that I'm going to set aside some time each week when I tie, but it just doesn't seem to happen.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    There are not many times that I don't tie flies during the week.
    I have new flies that I want to try and then I need to stock up on those that I do use.
    I now need to tie for my annual 4 swap madness.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    St. John's, Newfoundland,Canada


    Not only do I suffer from what your describing, but as a fella who also use to tie flies for resale, when I do sit down to tie, I find it difficult to slow down and enjoy the process, often spitting 'em out like I was trying to meet some quota.


  9. #9



    You betcha! After some really good fishing the prospect of tying just seems like such a drag. I could be on the river. Never mind that it's blown out from a weeks worth of steady rain, I could still be there.

    It also depends on what I've been fishing for. If I've been steelheading, tying steelhead flies is no problem. Tying trout flies in small sizes seems boring, after all I won't get to fish them til spring.

    I force myself to sit at the bench and tie a dozen flies, no matter what. I usually pick something complex, as opposed to something I can tie in a couple of minutes. Once I get started, things go a little easier, but then it's the same fight the next day.

    My favorite time to tie, about an hour before I head out the door to that sweet spot on the river.


    [This message has been edited by NoahsBoyz (edited 19 October 2005).]

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Ontario, Canada


    Easiest cure for me is to get a C&F fly box. I'm thinking of getting another 4 sheet midge box and thats another 500 flys to tye!

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