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Thread: Rene Harrop Fly Tying Materials

  1. Default Rene Harrop Fly Tying Materials

    Other than the shop TroutHunters does anyone know of a shop that carries a large selection of the House of Harrop materials?

    I'm looking for a product that might be discontinued, don't know for sure since I don't have the catalog or telephone number to get ahold of the Harrops to ask them directly. Normally I've talked to Shane in the past before the advent of the TroutHunters flyshop.

    WorleyBuggerFlyCo has Harrop product online but everytime I want something they seem to have to order it even though it is shown on their website.

    I am specifically looking for the materials he uses in some of patterns in his videos which is probably a Turkey Flat feather that has been through a process so that the fibers stay separate of one another. I think if I'm correct he referred to it as TURKEY HACKLE.

    Thanks for any help in locating this material. It is very much appreciated.

    [This message has been edited by RkyMtnGuy (edited 23 September 2005).]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Amstelveen, The Netherlands



    You may want to try Harry Mason at Troutflies. Harry carries a good selection of the House of Harrop materials, and the Harrop family flie. Contact him via hmason@troutflies.com

    Hans W

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    Hans Weilenmann, The Netherlands
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Red River, New Mexico


    I talked to someone at Trouthunters a few months ago about the exact same material. I was told that they were having problems with processing it and would probably not carry it for quite a while. He also told me that it is Turkey flats and that is what they are recommending now (the mottled turkey flats on their website - [url=http://www.trouthunt.com).:7fea8]www.trouthunt.com).[/url:7fea8]

  4. Default

    Thanks for the information all. Joe that is exactly why I was looking for other shops that carried their product in hopes of acquiring some that might be hanging in some dark corner on a wall.

    Harry emailed me and I sent a reply back so I am anxiously awaiting to hear of his findings.

    For the mean time, I'll have to elect Hans W. to put on this thinking cap with the rest of us to see if we can discover the secret of taking a Turkey Flat and with a bit of ingenuity applying a process that causes the individual fibers to repel one another. HaHa!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    san carlos,ca us



    True enough, I do not have a lot of his materials or anyone's else?s for that matter. I do stock his CDC because it?s the best you can get and I use it as well.
    I handle his flies and am one of only four that can say that. I have toyed with the idea of handling more materials for a while and came to the conclusion that I have enough head aches for right now

    harry mason

    [This message has been edited by bones (edited 24 September 2005).]
    Harry Mason

  6. Default

    I still remember the article where Harrop substituted white marabou for the wings of a Royal Wulff. Much like CDC he applied it to several flies.

    I tried his Fine Natural Dubbing a few years back, yet I don't think it dubbed onto the thread as easy as say, o' Superfine. It seems I had to essentially use what he himself calls "twist and dub".

    I will try another pack in the future as maybe it was my dubbing skills at the time. One must admit that the color schemes throughout his materials are "awesome".

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    san carlos,ca us



    I have not seen the article but I don't think Marc Petitjean stocks nor sells any of the House of Harrop materials.

    harry mason
    Harry Mason

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    san carlos,ca us


    Excuse me, but I'm not blaming you nor anyone else for anything...just a comment that in retrospect I now see would have been better recieved had I posted it to the thread in general.

    harry mason
    Harry Mason

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