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Thread: maribu help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    charlotte, nc

    Default maribu help

    I love maribu and this info looks useful but I can't quite understnds how he means to tie it on while holding the stem....



  2. Default


    The Cinder Worm is basically a Wooly Bugger without the Palmered Hackle on the body of the fly. Look at the Wooly Bugger tutorial and imagine tying the fly except you skip the steps which refer to tying in and wrapping hackle over the chenille body.

    The article you are reading gives a very good tip on how to utilize the entire marabou feather when tying verses creating alot of waste by just using the tip portion and plunking the rest in the trash can.

    The author mention cutting a long stemmed marabout feather into several sections which could then be used on tying several flies and minimizing waste.

    Again, the Cinder Worm is tied like a Wooly Bugger except you leave off the hackle and forgo the tying steps of wrapping the palmered hackle.

    I hope this is clear and addresses your question!

    [This message has been edited by RkyMtnGuy (edited 09 September 2005).]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Red River, New Mexico


    I think he means to stroke the tips all together and tie those in. Then wrap the marabou (without any stem on the hook - you will be holding that part while wrapping) and when you tie it off and clip the excess you will have nothing left but the stem.
    Did that confuse you even further?

  4. #4


    Joe, MtnGuy is correct--You cut the maraboo feather three or four times at the stem. Each of the pieces then will make one tail. Hold the feather on the hook tie it in then cut the stemm off. I have been teaching this for years otherwise you get one tail for one feather.



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Red River, New Mexico


    I thought that Druid understood the part about cutting the stem a few times. I thought he was confused about what part to tie on the hook and what exactly you are wrapping while holding the stem. Being as "frugal" as I am, I agree, this is a great method to get more for your buck. It's much easier than trimming off individual feather fibers and trying to make a chenille rope out of them.

  6. Default

    In any case, I learn something NEW myself today!

    I normally rolled off the stem or had a blood feather of the appropriate size that only required the remaining butts to be trimmed after lashing on the hook.

    I'm glad this thread was created.


  7. #7


    Sorry Guys but I'm confused.

    Are you just creating a tail from one segment? Seems like there wouldn't be enough to wrap up the hook shank?...do you use another segment up the hook shank?

    Do you extend the marabou fibers longitudinally from the stem or do you fold the fibers on themselves and secure the stem end or the tips?

    Denny Rickards for example makes a point of using the really supple portion of a marabou feather to get the greatest amount of motion do you think this sacrifices that or that it makes any difference?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Red River, New Mexico


    I would have to say that the more motion the better, at least I think so. However, I used to always have trouble with the tail wrapping itself around the hook bend until I read that A.K. Best recommends tying a few short, stiff guard hair fibers (like a small tail) before you tie in the longer marabou for the tail. It keeps the marabou away from the bend and it certainly doesn't seem to bother the fish catching qualities at all.
    If I wasn't always confused, I'd be worried.

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