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Thread: Pontoon/Kickboats on moving water...

  1. #1

    Default Pontoon/Kickboats on moving water...

    This will probably be the year that I put my pontoon on moving water. I've been using it strictly on stillwater (if there is really such a thing) and would like to hear from some of you who fish streams and rivers with yours about control.

    How are you able to maintain a consistent angle/attitude as you float downstream. I am thinking that I would like to maintain an angle of about 45 degrees to the shoreline.

    Any suggestions/advice is appreciated.

    - Gary

    "Catch 'em all...Put some back!"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Denver, Colorado


    Really depends on the wind, it'll push you places you don't always want to go, especially on slower moving water. So what you want to do is keep your back to the wind and stay on the upwind side of the river and use your fins to maintain position. If wind isn't an issue just use your fins to keep where you want and keep an eye on what's coming up. Sometimes it can be hard to play guide and fisherman at the same time in a pontoon. You're first few trips you'll find yourself missing a lot of fishable water just since your trying to mess with the boat issues at the same time and being prepared. Just practice and you'll start hitting more water. Also, if you haven't already get a pair of Oar Rights so you don't have to be thinking about your blades when you need them. SPB

    [This message has been edited by splatte boy (edited 21 March 2005).]

    [This message has been edited by splatte boy (edited 21 March 2005).]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Wondervu, CO


    I like both flipper and oars for my pontoon boat. The flippers help keep my pointed while both hands are busy fishing. The oars are essential when the water gets rough or I need to make a big adjustment. I rod holder is nice. One word of caution from my experiance. Don't let you oars rest in the water, a shallow rock will to the into missles....The Oar Rights are a nice addition.

  4. #4


    If you want to slow yourself down with your fins while fishing, you can't really maintain a 45-degree position relative to the shoreline (assuming you want to keep a contant distance from the bank). Your fin kicks will back you away from the shore if your boat is pointed slightly at the bank.
    If I need to keep a constant distance from the shore (like while pounding the banks with streamers), then I keep the boat facing directly downstream and I kick to slow myself down. I twist slightly at the waist and cast off to the side. It takes a bit of practice, but you'll get used to it.
    If you're drifting nymphs under an indicator, you really just need to find the right current seams, so constant distance from the bank is not always a necessity. But you do want constant distance from the seam, so you don't have to continually adjust how much line you have out. In this case, you just need to be aware beforehand where you want the boat to be to drift the nymphs in the correct spot. Set up well in advance and you'll be okay. But again, you'll likely have to point the boat directly downstream for the entire length of the current seam if you want to kick to slow yourself down. If you don't care about drifting by the prime lies quickly, then don't worry about kicking, just point your boat however is most comfortable for you and drift along. But I like to constantly slow the boat down by kicking, so most of the day my boat is pointed directly downstream.

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