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Thread: CDC Feathers

  1. #1

    Default CDC Feathers

    When tying with CDC, why is floatant bad? I see it as unneccesary, yes. But I've heard that it's bad to but the two together but never heard a reason why.

    If flyfishing were a sin, I'de be the devil's right hand man.

  2. #2


    Silicone-based floatants mat the CDC fibers together. CDC's "fluffiness" is what traps air and floats the fly. (at least until a fish slimes it)

    [This message has been edited by GrsdLnr (edited 15 May 2005).]

  3. #3


    Try using Frogs Fanny, its powder will dry cdc and float even bead head nymphs.I am a devoted cdc user and swear by this stuff. you can also use Bohning Archery fletch dry powder it is used to waterproof arrow fletching, at about a 10th of the price(smile)

    Rick Schlarb
    Please, support Project Healing Waters....Thank You

  4. #4


    CDC is a material that works on flies very well but you have to understand that it is going to mat and get slimed fast. I use a piece of Amadu to get the water and slim of and out then use the FrogFanny to get it to stay up on top. Using both seems to do a better job than just the one will.

    A hint for you is if the fish are taking a pattern with CDC put 3 of those fly patterns
    on your vest patch. When one gets slimed and will not stay up well (Which will happen after a fish or two) then you can switch to another real fast and be back fishing again. By having three flies in your patch you will always have a dry one as it seem that number is about right to give the others time to dry. Ron

  5. #5


    So Ron , You're saying that when the slime dries the CDC will float?...or are you saying use that stuff and let it dry?

    What is Amadu?

  6. #6


    I use the Amadu then the FrogsFanny then let that fly dry and use one of the other flies on my patch. Then do the same again. By the time you have gone through two other flies the first one seems to have dried enough to use again. You can usually get two or three fish on one fly and that is about it. Then you have to change flies. I just find it faster to have the other flies out and ready to go. Plus being out on your patch will help the wet fly dry much faster than if it were in your box. At least that is my experence with CDC. Ron

    [This message has been edited by RonMT (edited 15 May 2005).]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Golden, Co. USA


    Scroll down toward bottom of page for amadou

  8. #8


    Thanks guys, those are great tips. Now I have a second silly question on CDC oil. I tied a Biot Midge with turkey biots instead of goose that it calls for.
    They are pretreated with CDC oil. Since they are so small and will no way help the fly to float, I used a dab of floatant on the hackle. I noticed no ill effects. Any comments?

    If flyfishing were a sin, I'de be the devil's right hand man.

  9. #9


    It is just my opinion but I do not think the CDC oil works worth a hoot.( And yes I have used it) I think it is something to sell and people will buy. Sorry but I do not use it and do not feel I am missing a thing for not having it. Ron

  10. Default

    Frogs Fanny is great stuff for CDC, although tucking your assembled rod with a CDC fly on the hook keeper under your windshield wiper for a quick 80mph jaunt to the next hole fluffs the stuff up very very well.......

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