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Thread: Securing Beadhead

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Northwest California

    Default Securing Beadhead

    I had a thought (sometimes dangerous). Would it be plausible to thread a beadhead and keep it near the bobbin before you start the thread on the hook. After laying a bed of thread, either secure with half hitch or whip and then slide the beadhead up the thread, onto the hook and secure it. I was just wondering if this would be worth while?

    If I can't fish, I may as well go to work

  2. #2


    I guess anything that works and saves time, labor and headaches would be worthwhile. though I have to ask, where's the difficulty in securing a beadhead?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Northwest California


    It is not the difficulty, just trying to keep from re-starting the thread behind the bead. My fingers start getting a little big especially on smaller hooks.

  4. #4



    You can apply any process, or not, to a fly tying situation. What you describe will leave a wrap of thread over the bead. Does that really matter and is the process 'worth while'? You'll have to decide.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hastings, MN


    It was an interesting thought so I tried it. For me it took longer threading the bead than restarting the thread. Depending on the size of bead and hook you could damage the thread sliding on the bead.
    tyeflies - the thread ends up going through the bead not over it.

  6. #6


    I guess I'm mis-visualizing what you are describing.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Harrisburg, PA, USA


    I might be doing it wrong, but i just slide the bead on the hook then start the thread behind the bead. I leave a little gap to whip finish behind the bead also.


  8. #8


    Why are you 're-starting' the thread behind the bead? Are you not sliding the bead on prior to any other application of material?

    You're idea would work probably, but durability would be an issue. One strand of thread holding the bead against the hook, if I am reading correctly.

  9. #9


    No it wouldn't be worth while to me--time wasted. Put the bead on the hook start the thread behind it and tie your fly. Or start the thread at the bend of the hook make the fly and when you get to the bead the material will hold it in place.



  10. #10


    Here is the best way I Know to secure a bead. Put your bead on the hook, then take some .010 lead wire and wrap it behind the bead not over doing it you just need a few wraps so the bead will not move. Then you take some super glue and glue the wire. Then place your thread on behind the wire and make your body. This way the bead will not move on you and it adds a little weight.


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