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Thread: GSP Thread & Deer Hair...

  1. Default GSP Thread & Deer Hair...

    I have been tying comparaduns of late and now almost all the time I am slicing through the deer hair with the GSP Thread...any tips?


  2. #2


    Sorry to be a smart alec...but perhaps try a different thread?? The best thread I've ever used for deer hair is sue burgess multi-strand, made by Airflo. It is discontinued, I got the last ~20 spools in brown from them but they might have some lying around. Seriously, it is awesome for comparaduns. Somewhere between 3/0 and 6/0 and super, super strong. Or try some other brands, you should be able to find something that is strong enough that doesn't cut. BTW I switch from the heavier thread to 8/0 gudebrod to finish the rest of the fly, the other stuff is too heavy to use throughout except on sz. 10 flies like green drakes.

    Speaking of which...I finally figured out how to tie sparkle duns (comparaduns) correctly after ~10 years. IMO Blue Ribbon flies in W. Yellowstone Montana has the nicest sparkle duns you can buy, period. The way they tie them is great - just switch the butts so they face forward, not backwards. You can do a much slimmer, tightly dubbed body without the "hump" halfway down the hook shank, the wing sets to the back of the fly improving the center of gravity and making it look more like a mayfly, and it is easier to trim the butts. Try this style of tying you'll never go back.

    Good luck,


  3. #3



    Several things may help.

    First, obviously, don't pull the thread as tightly as you are when you are cutting the hair.

    Second, try untwisting the GSP a bit. That will 'flatten' it, and it will be more likely to compress and a bit less likely to cut. That may be the best option, if you want to continue to use it for this purpose.

    Switching to another thread is another option, of course. You really don't 'need' the strength of GSP to spin the hair, but it makes it nice to have that strength (less thread breakage).

    Good Luck!


    It Just Doesn't Matter....

  4. #4



    I've a feeling that that thread simply cuts through the hair. You might try Wapsi 140, monocord 3/0, or just use 6/0. You probably just need to learn the feel of the breaking strength of the thread and bring tension just up to that level.


  5. #5



    Although I have never tied comparaduns I do tie alot of spun deer hair flies and for small deer hair flies (Goddard Caddis), I like to use Uni 3/0. I also find that GSP cuts the deer hair. Try using some Uni 3/0 or even some 6/0.

    For bigger deer hair flies I use Flat Waxed Nylon.

    Hope this helps,


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Upstate New York, USA


    Hi Mike,

    Make sure your useing the right type of hair. You want short coarse hair that has cell structure almost all the way to the tips of each hair. If it has a long thin taper towards the tip, it's not good for Comparaduns. You shouldn't have to put so much pressure on the hair to get it to flare that you end up cutting through it. The smaller the size fly, the thinner the thread diameter. I just use Uni-thread 6/0 for 12 - 16 and that works just fine. If you go smaller, try 8/0. The larger sized threads have more surface area and actually inhibit the flaring on the smaller sizes. You have to make a thread/dubbing dam anyway to help keep the wing verticle no matter which way you tie in the wing. Here's a link to Mickey Maguire's site about tying Comparaduns like what ktokj was stating. He also has some tips for selecting the right type of hair too. The right hair is really the key with this pattern!



  7. Default

    Well...After some trial and error, the problem was the tread was spun up a lot. When flat it works just fine. Also this is my way of tying the comparadun. First I tie on the deer hair with 8/0 Moser Power Silk...then tie that thread off with Spiderweb 17/0 and finish the fly with the Spiderweb...makes nice bodies.


  8. #8


    Flat waxed nylon!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    Try Danville's 210 waxed flymaster plus.

    Trouts don't live in ugly places
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  10. #10


    GSP will cut through steel, or so it seems.


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