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Thread: Tying at a Show for the first time.. A little nervous Help

  1. #1

    Default Tying at a Show for the first time.. A little nervous Help


    I am going to be tying at my first show in June. I have no idea what to expect. Can those of you that have tyed at shows give a first timer any advice?




  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    san carlos,ca us


    Depending one the shows format, make a list of ALL the materials you will need... check it before you go. You do not want to be up on stage and have to say; "sorry, I don't have the hook I need"

    Oh, and?Don't wear a plaid shirt

    harry mason
    Harry Mason

  3. #3



    Once you get there and have the vise in front of you, you'll be 'good-to-go'. Make sure you have whatever you need packed. You might want to take a pillow just in case the seat is low. Lamp and extension cord. As 'bones' said, wear a solid light shirt. It makes it easier for your viewers. Tie what you enjoy tying. Don't worry.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Conway, AR, USA


    Tye a couple the day before and put all the things you touch into one container. That way you have all the material and tools you need.

    And if you forgot something you can get a replacement for the box.

    Don't expect it all to work. Just like anytime you are talking and showing, you will miss things. Don't let it get you flustered.

    Have fun.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Boise, Idaho, USA


    Hi Pete,

    Harry gave some really good advise. You didn't say what type of demo you were going to do; on camera/stage, demo table with a group of other tiers or lone tier in a fly shop booth. I handle each a bit different but usually go to a show ready to demo about three or four flies; meaning I have EVERY THING for those flies. I recomend moving to a location in your house or friends house and do a "mock up demo." That way you can be sure you have the items/tools you need in your travel bag/box. Here is a couple of tips I've learned over the years:

    1. Bring a light that can be mounted on a c-clamp OR pedestal. Not all tables will accomodate a c-clamp.
    2. Bring a pedestal for your vise for the same reason as number one. My travel tying kit is a Rotary Tying Station which includes an oak pedestal that hold my vise AND my light.
    3. I alway carry 3 extra extension cords each 12' in length. Include a roll of masking tape to keep people from tripping over your cord. Nothing messes a day up like watching your fly tying lamp sail across a room as someone lands on their face. I know, it's happened to me! Include an extra bulb for your lamp (I alway carry 4 but Gretchen expects me to supply her if she needs one<G> )
    4. If you are concerned about keeping your trash off the floor look at your waste bag in relation to items 1 & 2.

    Good luck and let us all know how things went. Take care & ...

    Tight Lines - Al Beatty [url=http://www.btsflyfishing.com:72155]www.btsflyfishing.com[/url:72155]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Monument, Colorado, USA


    Good advice so far...

    -Put everything you need for one pattern in a large freezer bag. Then set up for your 3 or 4 patterns that you will tie. That way there is no digging for stuff everything is nice and neating packaged in one freezer bag.
    -Make some copies of your fly recipes. It's always nice for attendees when they can get a nicely typed and printed handout of recipes. Put your name on it....so months from now they'll know where they got it from.

    John G.
    Albuquerque, NM

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada


    In addition to the other good ideas ... 1) If you are tying in a showcase with other tiers, and you know in advance who they are, you can focus on flies you like that are different than theirs. i.e. if you know the others do bass flies or streamers you can focus on dry flies. 2) Don?t tie flies that are too small for the viewers to see (size 12 should be the smallest IMO). 3) Bring a foam sheet or other arrangement to show your flies and the production of the day. I have a wooden bar with holes to hold 9 E-Z clamps. 4) Be prepared to answer questions that are 'off topic' of your fly because some viewers are just curious about the art in general or need to be coached on their own tying challenges.

    [This message has been edited by Greg H (edited 28 March 2005).]

  8. #8


    I've tied at shows and so far the answers are what I would have added.
    I found Poul Jorgensen sitting at the table next to mine at one show. It turned out he was interested more in a display of my dads early 1930's salmon flies than the cameras. That was the first big show and he broke the ice. I haven't been nervous from then on.
    If your on the floor with many tiers take the time to talk to kids. I've noticed some dont. I show then all of the material and show where it is used. I get repeat visits from some that show the flies they have tied that year.
    If you have a few fly boxes bring thm along to display.



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 1999
    Milwaukie, OR, USA


    And, remember that the folks watching you aren't expecting you to heal the sick or walk on water. You'll be nervous the first time and I expect your hands will shake. I was and mine did. If you make a mistake, great. It makes you human and on most viewers level. It is also good to see how other tyers recover from a mistake. Your thread will break and that's ok. Just do as you do at home and reattach it. No big deal. Try to keep eye contact with the viewers and tell them what you are doing and why. I did the Eugene Tyer's Expo this past Saturday and was using some bucktail for the flies I was tying and I didn't want it to flair. So, I mentioned that the top third of the tail has solid hair that will not flair and that it is what you want for bucktail streamers. I wasn't tying streamers but just tossed it out. One fella whipped out his note pad and said, "tips" and wrote it down. Some of the seemingly most basic things we do might be something someone watching has no idea how or why to do it. Communication is very good and I think the successful demo tyers do these things.

    I like to see kids come by too. First, they aren't mine so I know they are going home with some one else. More importantly, they could be the tyers of the future. Try to remember how it was when you were very short.

    Bottom line is to try to relax and just let it flow. Ask if there are questions too. In years past, I have even invited a viewer or two to sit at my vise just to prove that whatever I was doing wasn't that hard. I think folks like interaction with presenters, I know I do.

    Happy Trails!
    Happy Trails!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Upper midwest


    The fella who asked me to tie at two shows said "everybody is nervous about their tying skills."

    That helped me. After all, for somebody who's never seen a fly tied, you're the best tyer they've ever seen! I'm usually the best "woman tyer" they've ever seen, but I don't recommend you dress differently Pete.

    There is great variation on flies and methods for tying them. Doing what works for you, but is different from the "experts", doesn't make you wrong, so don't expect anybody to call a foul on you.

    Lastly, Pete, I've seen your flies and you don't have anything to worry about. Just go have fun.

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