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Thread: Renzetti traveller jaws

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Woods Hole MA USA

    Default Renzetti traveller jaws

    I have a Renzetti saltwater traveller whose jaws flare out at the tips, i.e. if the back 3/4 of the two jaws halves are touching, there is a slight gap between the tips. It's possible I overtightened a fly or two at some point.
    It looks like I can largely 'fix' this by lapping the two halves of the jaws on some glass with fine sandpaper glued to it, but before I do, I just though I'd ask whether there is a better way to deal with this, or perhaps whether the vice used to come with the jaw tips slightly apart???
    Hopefully, someone's had this problem before and managed to fix it. Right now, it's a lot tougher to tighten a hook in the vise than in ought to be.

  2. #2


    If the tips are flared outward, at some time in the past, you exceeded the "POINT OF ELASTICITY" for the metal. You could try to bend the tips back to their original shape, but the metal has been permanently weakened.

    I would suggest, that you not try to correct the problem, as it will not correct the situation. If the flared tips are not an inconvenence, just leave them as they are. Otherwise you should order new parts to replace them.


  3. #3



    I'll second the 'don't try to fix it'.

    First, as pointed out by Parnelli, it's likely that the steel has been degraded somewhat by the flexing that caused the problem in the first place.

    Second, since the jaws are (or should have been) made from hardened steel, the lapping process could be a lengthy one. Only you can determine what your time is worth...

    Also, removing the metal from the inside surface of the jaws may (I've not closely examined a set, so I can't say for sure) effect how the jaws function.

    All in all, I'd say the best course would be to call the manufactureer, tell them of the problem, and see about a new set of jaws. That's likely to be the least costly and most efficient way to fix this.

    I do understand the desire to tinker (until recently I'd be the guy happily tearing the vise apart with a sledge waiting to 'tweak' the jaws backing into place). I've since learned a couple of costly lessons that have led me to leave delicate adjustments on quality tools to the experts.

    Up to you, of course, maybe all you really need to do is give the jaws a good whack with the aforementioned sldege....It IS your vise (vice?), after all.....

    Good Luck!


    It Just Doesn't Matter....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Litchfield, CT, USA


    The Traveler Jaws are case hardened (thin layer of hard steel with soft core). I would not try to machine, grind or lap the surfaces. Bending would work if done very carefully, too much and they will crack. The case hardened process is very widely used and makes for a tougher material than through hardened steel. The jaws will bend before breaking as you discovered.

    The Masters series and others are through hardened tool steel.

    Call Renzetti and explain the problem, I have received excellent customer service from Lilly Renzetti.


  5. #5


    Not being a wise guy here but I would sell it and buy a Dyna-King. You won't ever have that problem with a Dyna-King vise. I have tied up 8/0 flies for billfish with mine without a problem. And many 3/0 and 4/0 flies for the salt.

    I would guess you can buy new jaws for your vise but I would also bet it won't be real cheap, so why stick good money into something that may happen again? Do yourslef a favor and get a good saltwater vise that will last you for the rest of your life. I get nothing for this information. Ron

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Rancocas Woods Mt Laurel, N.J. USA


    Nothing like input when oppurtunity knocks to go and push another brand. Instead of helping or making a useful suggestion to solve this problem, let's see I got it go buy another brand to replace the Renzetti for political and personal issues. Actually if the vise is in good condition and is the cam jaws, you can buy a new set of cam jaws from Renzetti over the internet or by calling the factory direct. Renzetti has a good rep and good service. Sounds like you over tightened the jaws pretty well. I have been tying on the Renzetti Presentation 4000 with cam jaws and saltwater base and for shows and camping the Renzetti traveler with the cam jaws. Love both vise. Nice piece of work, good quality and have had good satifaction with the products. Been tying on them a long time and thousands of flies have been tied on these vises. Give the factory in FLA a call and tell them your situation. Renzetti's customer service for the time I used them as well as buying a spare parts kit for both my vises were excellent. hope this helps

    Andy B

  7. #7



    I agree. There are a small number of people on this BB who can't be helpful so they try to build their reputation by putting down whatever brand someone else has. I guess it makes them feel superior.

  8. #8


    Ditto on the quality of Renzetti customer service! I once e-mailed them a question and Lilly answered me on Xmas eve after 6pm, really! I own two Renzetti vises, a Master for the bench and a Traveler for the road and I love them both and have nothing but great reports on their service.

    While not meant as a criticism of people?s choices; I think sometimes people expect too much from the Traveler. Its strength is its portability and price point. It's not designed for big hooks and big flies so to compare it to a Barracuda for example is unfair.

  9. #9


    Andy B- There was nothing political or anything else in my statemenet. I just feel that he would do better that another vise in the saltwater area. You tie a lot of saltwater flies??? Well I do and I have owned The top of the line Renzetti and had it go south on me. That is not being political or anything else it is telling it like it is. I have seen sveral other Renzetti's that could not take hard tying with big hooks. Nothing new there.

    The only thing that this person can do is to buy a new set of jaws for his vise. I said that in my post. And then he could have the same thing happen again. I also said that. That is as good advise as a person can get on this subject.
    I worked as a gunsmith and machinest for many years and I know just a bit about steel and how it is tempered and what it takes to work with it. Those jaws may as well be tossed out. They have been hardened and he can't do a thing with them. ( I worked as a Gun Smith for a very good Gun Smith in the winters when not guiding here)

    You see sometimes there is more behind an answer than being Political. It is called experience. If a Dyna-King were to do the same thing I would call a spade a spade. Ron

    bluehackle- I don't know were you get off saying that I do not help people on this board. Or that I knock other products to get or build a reputation? What is with you? I guess no one is entitled to an opinion but you Right?

    Bamboozle- The fellow said that he had the Saltwater jaws. I think they should hold a saltwater hook without springing out of shape. But I could be wrong to?

    [This message has been edited by RonMT (edited 24 March 2005).]

  10. #10


    I don't know what the hell is political about a guy giving his opinion.
    Sounds like you guys are a bit jealous cause someone on this board might know more than you.
    I have seen what RonMT has posted on other boards. He has helped more than most with fly tying and fishing.

    This is a free world and we do have a right to our opinions. But don't knock a guy because you don't like what he has to say.

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