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Thread: Think this will catch a Bronzeback?

  1. #1

    Default Think this will catch a Bronzeback?

    I'm sure it's not an original pattern.
    Went with a nymph hook to achieve the arched back look of a baitfish.Chenile for the body for a little less flash than say a Zonker.Rabbit strip instead of the wooly's hackle.Being a new tier I can't help but experiment.Like I said I'm sure it has been done a 1000 times by other more experienced tier's.But it's something new for me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Clara City, MN USA


    Don't know about a smallie, but it should be a winner for LMB. Good looking fly, and one I might give you the satisfaction of duplication. JGW

  3. Default

    I'd say yes!! Try a couple of different color patterns, brown, olive, or chartruese, and you'll have a local favorite.
    I used to tie a similar patter with a brown body, brown marabou wing and tail, and chartruese throat. It killed the smallie's.


  4. #4


    Let me know how it does for you White43.

  5. #5


    Great fly and from my experience anything that pisses them off will catch a smallie. I have always had good luck with zonker style flies on smallies; one of my favorite patterns.

    Who has time for stress when there are fish to catch.
    Your hooks sharp????

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Central Nevada


    That one will work! I, for one, applaude your utter disregard for traditional baitfish patterns! I enjoy free lance fly designs. Is it a Finnow?


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Carlisle, Kentucky, USA


    Fly looks great AND more important- like a natural. The majority of my Smallmouth Streamers are primarily Black. It would be a good fly for off colored water or night conditions due to silhoutte. I might have added a hackle to "push" some water if used in low visibilities.

  8. #8


    My neck of the woods it's clear water,big bays.
    Tube baits and jerk baits are king when talking spinning gear for smallies.I feel the body of this fly mimics a tube.
    The rabbit hair, will perhaps protray some creepy crawly thing.Threw in a little marabough on the head to get a little gill action.
    Can't wait to see how it does.

  9. #9


    Great Rabbit Bugger Ruger. It should drive them crazy with the action and the color.

    Excuse my spelling and grammar, I hooked Mondays and Fridays to either fish or hunt.

  10. #10


    Nice looking fly. I'd say it would catch alot of smallies here.

    Spelling and Grammar not subject to judgement...
    "Because by the Grace of God I can, be on a beautiful mountain stream with a friend , have the water boil from a 12" Native Brookie taking a self tyed dry,and feel it on the end of my cane... It don't get no better than that..."

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