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Thread: Mako Sharks on the Fly!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Central Nevada

    Default Mako Sharks on the Fly!

    These are flies from a large batch that I am tying to catch sharks with. Mako Sharks. They are tied on an 8/0 hooks.

    [url=http://www.flymaker.com/bbGallery/MakoDeceiver-2.jpg:6cf89]Link to Image of Mako Fly In Hand[/url:6cf89]

    Tube-Style (string through) Cyclops Popper head for use in-line with Mako Fly when a topwater presentation is called for.

    [url=http://www.flymaker.com/bbGallery/MakoDeceiver-4.jpg:6cf89]Link to Close-up Image of Popper Head Face[/url:6cf89]

    [url=http://www.flymaker.com/bbGallery/MakoDeceiver-5.jpg:6cf89]Link to Close-up Image of Popper Head Aft Side[/url:6cf89]

    With this fly system you are able to fish the fly either down in the water column, or as a "popper" up on top.

    The Mako Season in California is late Summer/Early Autum. Hope you all enjoyed thinking about catching sharks for a few minutes...



    [This message has been edited by flymaker2 (edited 09 March 2005).]

  2. #2


    Looks pretty pikey too.

  3. #3


    looks like they will take the Peacock Bass too.

  4. #4


    I have fished for sharks twice down off the Texas coast. It is real cool. I hooked two and landed none LOL. They put out a chum slick and blood and then we just threw in the fly that was tied to look like a clot of blood and they would come up and take it. Not much fun in the casting department but when you hook up it is a hoot.

    Real nice flies you tied there but one bite and they will be history. Ron

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Central Nevada


    Thanks for checking them out fellows. Yes I imagine that fly could work for a few species. Maybe even Dorado in the popper version.

    I'd like to go Pike fishing someday. I see a group goes to gangler's Lodge every yrear and getrs some huge Pike on the fly. Lefty goes up there.

    Ron-Yes sharks are a blast. I went one time so far and between two anglers we landed 5. The two Makos I brought to the boat were around 70#s and fought wildly on a 14 wt rod. I don't think I would want to hook-up with a Mako larger than around 150#s. My shark guide chums them up, teases them into a frenzy by casting cut bait to them and then removes the bait from the water. Now the angler casts to the fish once they are 30 feet away from the boat. That is minimum safe distance; because Makos jump a lot and you don't want a fresh Mako in your boat. So we at least get to place a cast to the shark at a moderate distance on a heavy rod. It gets exciting...


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    GRAND looking bugs, FM.
    What you have, we used quite similar in white/chart, very successfully for pike and lakers at Wignes Lake Lodge, NWT.
    I am going to take the tube one step further this year and do both the head AND the main deceiver on tubes. I think it is the pliers that do the most damage and tubes should help, though building your bugs with much cement between steps seems VERY beneficial.
    Have you concidered gurgler heads on a tube to add to your peacock bugs?
    .......lee s.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Woods Hole MA USA


    I've found Makos are not very picky to fly details, but can key in on a particular size. We've had no trouble hooking them, but have had a very hard time keeping them on with IGFA 20# tippets and leaders, since they tend to both roll in the leader and jump. What do you do to try to keep the leader from abrading when a mako's on? Do you try to get on top of it or let it have some line?

    [This message has been edited by josko (edited 10 March 2005).]

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Central Nevada



    Yes Makos do jump great when hooked don't they?

    FYI- For those with broadband connections, there is a short a Quicktime video of a fly caught Mako Jumping that you can view below:

    [url=http://www.wildonthefly.com/images/CleanShark.mov:2559e]Jumping Mako Video[/url:2559e]

    I fish with Capt. Conway Bowman. He uses single strand steel leaders with a small section of 20# in-line with the steel and heavier mono butt sections. Since we are drifting chum, he doens't move the boat; rather we just use what skills we have to fight the Makos. Again-these are not the big ones-and he selectively casts to fish so that he can pick our fights. He won't cast to Blue sharks. Conway has had clients on 10 foot, 300 LB Makos for nearly an hour, so his leader system works. I let him rig my rod since I am not well versed on haywire twists and wire terminations.

    [url=http://www.bowmanbluewater.com/images/mako4.jpg:2559e]Link to image of a hooked Mako Jumping[/url:2559e]


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Woods Hole MA USA


    Is this an IGFA-approved leader?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Central Nevada


    josko-I don't know for sure. I may be, because the section of 20# mono is a certain length. I don't fish records-only for fun. You could search-up "Conway Bowman" on the web and e mail him. He has a site...


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