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Thread: Mallard Flank feathers - Can't get good wings!

  1. #1

    Default Mallard Flank feathers - Can't get good wings!

    Hey I've been trying to get the mallard flank feathers to stand up and stay at least bunched together to make the wings but they just seem to go in whichever direction they want, so in stead of 2 nicely bunched segments i have almost a porcupine effect. How can I change that, I do figure 8's around the base to separate them, but I think that it's just the way i prep them before putting them on.

  2. #2


    Sounds like you are using the large, long flank feathers. Try looking for the short, small feathers that are square across the tips. The fibers will be thicker and more sturdy.

    Save those big feathers for spey hackle and Hornbergs or for tails and beards.

  3. #3


    speechless....be sure you get the fibers tied on top of the hookshank.....if they slide down the sides too much it will be tough to get them set upright and tight. If needed, I put a wrap around each wing.....like you do with a hairwing...to gather up the stray fibers...hope this helps, Jason

  4. #4


    I definitely take a wrap around each wing. it seems to gather them up at the bottom and fan them out at the top.


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