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Thread: Light Dun vs. Medium Dun

  1. #21


    Jim Like I said it just dosen't matter to me or the fish. If I can get a good buy on a natural that is fine if I get a better buy on the dyed I would take that. Yes I have many natural dun capes and yes they are real pretty but the fish sure don't care and that is what counts in my book.

    I should also add that I use saddles for 90 percent of my tying. Saves time and I get a lot more hackle per size off of one saddle compared to capes. I buy the saddles to size for what I need them for. I have saddles from size #6's to size #24's in several colors and several of each saddle size. I like them because I do not have to pick up hackle pliers until I am on the last fly the saddle will tie. That saves lots of time.

    There isn't many materials used for fly tying that are prettier than a beautiful natural cape. But that does not mean there isn't something that is better to use. Or that a dyed color will not work just as well on the fish. Ron

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Wondervu, CO


    For a $2.50 difference I would get the half Gold cape. For BWO's and other small patterns you will get a lot more small feathers.

  3. #23
    Jim Slattery Guest


    Ron, So I take it then you would choose
    the natural,all things being the same.

  4. #24


    No Jim I would choose the cheapest. I tie for a living and every penny counts. Ron

  5. #25


    Now...after looking at the Whiting Natural Dun...doesn't it look to be quite light in color?

    "Why not fish a dry fly?"

  6. #26


    Don't know were you looked at them but they come in different shades of Dun. You may have just seen a light one? I have seen them in about every shade of Dun you can think of. I have seen Whiting Duns so dark you would think they were almost black in color. Just keeping looking you will find a good medium color and if you can't let me know and I will see about getting one for you from a local shop. I get nothing for doing it but knowing that you got what you want. Ron

  7. #27


    This may be a good time to ask...

    Unless forced [for whatever reason] to order a cape would you say don't buy one unless you can inspect it???

  8. #28


    These are just few of them many problems I face so I think it will take a while for me to make a decision of what hackle to buy LOL...

    "Why not fish a dry fly?"

  9. #29


    ducksterman- I never buy a cape or saddle if I can not see it first unless I buy it from a few friends in this business that I have done a lot of business with. I trust there choice and they know what I expect in hackle when I tell them what I am looking for. Hackle is not a cheap purchase I suggest that you go through a good shop that you trust. I know I have said this before but Chris Helms is a greaat place to get things from if you are not sure of what you want. Just call him and he will do everything in his power to see that you get what you are looing for. Good man for sure. There are others that I would trust like Fly Fishers Paradise in PA, The Fly Fishers in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and a few others that I have had good service from. I am sure there are many others and some of them are on this site.
    To me it is very important to get what I want the first time around. I may have a large order to do and do not have the time to return things and wait for another order to get here. I get nothing for this information. Ron

  10. #30
    Jim Slattery Guest


    Ron, I can appreciate the price point, price can be a deciding factor , especially when tying for a living. Again,all things being the same ie: overall color, quality and PRICE, which would you chose, natural or dyed dun?
    A simple question, a simple answer no?

    Stonefly, When dealing with a medium natural dun I ask for dark medium grey dun and light dark grey dun , I'm really fussy about color and will return if it 's not what I ordered.Also as Pats Man stated the backside of natural dun is typically lighter than the front. The natural dark dun that is almost black when used is a lot lighter when used in a fly.
    Any dealer worth his salt would allow returns of hackle that dosen't satisfy his customer needs, as long as it hadn't been tampered with. Special order/ colors might be a diffrent story, but this typically is resolved with time. But off the shelf stuff , there should be no problems.
    Take care, Jim

    [This message has been edited by Jim Slattery (edited 24 February 2005).]

    [This message has been edited by Jim Slattery (edited 24 February 2005).]

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