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Thread: So, how is the 'Pan fishing these days?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Boulder, CO

    Default So, how is the 'Pan fishing these days?

    Spring break is coming, and I'm thinking about a little trip to the Fryingpan next week, weather permitting. I was wondering if anyone had fished it recently, or lives thereabouts.

    Are the fish coming up for dries, yet? How are the baetis hatches so far?

    Anyway, thanks in advance.


  2. #2



    Found this on [url=http://www.anglerguide.com/colorado/:00027]this website[/url:00027]. You may want to check back there over the next few days....This is from March 8.

    There continue to be good reports of hatches of midges on the river. Mid-river there are small stoneflies. The #18 olive stimulator is the perfect imitation. The black pheasant tail #18 also worked well as the nymph pattern. In addition #12 stone fly nymphs worked effectively. I went out for an hour around midday. There was not much evidence of any hatch mid river at that time. I did land 2 nice fish mid- river. A good size rainbow on a #16 beadhead prince and a nice brown on a #20 pheasant tail. The fish were at the bottom of a deep hole and it took 4 lead shot to get down to the desired depth. Merle reports that midges were hatching closer to the dam. He fished successfully with #20 dries and a biot emerger. In addition the sparkle baetis #20 and a special emerger #22 down deep are still working well and will continue to do so with the baetis moving about in the water. Streamers emulating the small emerging brown fry are also working in the deeper holes. Closer to Basalt, the fish are taking stonefly nymphs in the pocket water. Recommended Flies: The fish are moving about more as the sun plays warmer and longer on the water. With the young fry emerging, try streamers near the bottom in the deeper slower holes. Look to see if any midges are hatching. Some of the midges mid-river were a little larger so we suggest trying #18 and smaller. Try parachute midges or adults; put an emerger dropper behind the parachute; also try small emergers; olive biot emergers, size #18 - #22 and black special emergers #18 - #22. If there is no surface activity try dark olive pheasant tails size #20 and #22; midges, size #20 and smaller both red and black lava and pupa patterns - disco midges red and black sizes #20 - #24. Try #18 pheasant tail as nymphs for the mid-river stoneflies. Remember that the baetis nymphs are now beginning to move about and will do so for the next 2 months.

  3. #3


    Get ahold of Taylor Creek Fly Shop, they have a website w/ latest conditions, or better yet, just stop in on your way up to the river. They know the river as well or better than anyone (the river flows right past their shop) and they are very helpful.

    The Pan is almost always awesome this time of year anyway.

    Have fun,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Boulder,Colorado, USA


    I fish the Pan as much as possible ; in fact was just up there and going back for all of Apr and May (I know I know *g*).

    Water this time of year is winter flow (low), but fish ARE feeding actively now. Typical 12-200p, you CAN run into surface
    action. Mostly midges right now, but last trip there WERE BWOs. But real action is on very small nymphs or emergers. Fish to the shade, look for fish and present to them.

    When fishing the shade, I've found best success if one of the flies has some 'flash' to it, e.g., Desert Storm, flashback PT, second dropper fly can be RS2 or any number of #20-#22. Had super success with the old standby Copper John later the day. These fish ARE hungry!

    If you don't get strikes within 5 casts, switch flies. *g* This time of year, no need to put indicators (if you use) them high...in fact, can see strikes much better if they are lower.

    Like I said, I fish this water alot, drop me pvt email if questions.

    SUE (brookie727@msn.com)

  5. Default

    We live in Glenwood Springs 18 miles from the Pan. My son and I fished it last Sunday and the Saturday the week before. We were fishing in the top 4 miles of the river. Midges, large black #18, we hatching from 930am to 2 pm. Black dry and gray emerger dropper worked well. Fish are in slack areas next to riffles. The largest fish actually come out of deep holes to feed this hatch and return. Also good, as is always the case this time of year was a small tan minnow imitation, best with old egg sac attached, imitating the brown trout fry which are everywhere. If the Pan is too crowded head for the Roaring Fork. We floated it Tuesday after work for just two hours and baetis hatch will still going because it was a cloudy day.

  6. #6


    ..from a former Coloradoin & homesick for home waters...nice reports folks !!

    "..so many fish, so many flies..do I have enough time?"
    ...so many boo rods, so many trout....do I have enough time?...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Boulder, CO


    Good stuff. Thanks.

    I'll be there Wed and Thu of next week. I can't wait.


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