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Thread: Learning curve/progress report

  1. #1

    Default Learning curve/progress report

    After being home sick for the day on Friday, I decided to get up Saturday and look over my supplies. To my surprise, I found that I had enough components to build up a rod. I have a few extra blanks that I picked up on clearance, so I decided that it was time to build one up for my 8 year old son to learn on. I picked a Forecast 7'6" 4 pc 4 wt (one of my favorite blanks to build for beginners). He picked out purple thread with 3 turns of silver trim, and I decided to finish it without CP (a first for me). I wrapped on my standard Forecast black frame/black ceramic ring fly guides, a full wells grip and a black A7 seat. Nothing fancy, but just the ticket for an 8 year old boy to learn with (and probably abuse to some extent).
    This was probably one of the smoothest builds that I've ever done. I started first thing this morning, and had the whole rod on the dryer by about noon. I guess I am learning. I remember some of my earlier rods where wrapping on a guide often took 30 minutes. It does feel good to see some tangible evidence that I'm making progress.
    I'm not sure about the no CP yet. The thread darkened a lot more than I imagined it would, and appears to be similar to cobalt, only a shade or 2 darker than that even. I'll hold my final judgement until I can see it outside in the sun, though.

  2. #2


    Isn't that funny how you struggle to learn how to do something, and before you know it you can practically do it in your sleep. I'm sure your son will cherish that rod.
    The first couple of rods I built I didn't use CP. I thought what for? But the colors sure do darken with out it.

    To fish or not to fish?
    What a stupid question.

  3. #3


    Just a thought, you may want to try NCP threads. They will change color somewhat but not as bad as the nylons or the silks. I like to use silk and no color preserver because it gives the wraps a tranlucent look.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Pueblo West, CO


    I would think that a full wells grip would be too large for his young hands or did you turn it down some?

  5. #5


    It is a small sized grip. It will fit his hand fine right now, but will also allow him to grow into it.
    I went down and checked the colors again this morning, and the thread darkened to the point that if I didn't know it was purple to start with, I'd never guess that is what it was. I looks more like a darkened cobalt. I think I'll stick with the CP. I guess I got spoiled with the Gudebrod CP keeping thread colors almost unchanged.
    Now I just need to get him one of my old reels and some line to go on it. I'll have him out by the end of the week.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Pueblo West, CO


    Go good way to get a pretty good idea of the thread color without CP is just wet a wrap with water.

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