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Thread: April 6, 2024

  1. #1

    Default April 6, 2024

    A flyfishing buddy and his flyfishing wife, from Iowa, whom I've fished with before, came down to the Saint Louis area for a weekend of fishing before staying to glimpse the Eclipse in that path of totality a bit further south.Like me, they are adding species to their flyfishing lists. Both have more than I do. They are just getting into micro flyfishing as well, so we visited a creek I've hit a time or two this year. It was pretty fun introducing them to this creek!As for what I personally caught... I did manage 10 species on the afternoon, including one new-to-me species. The new species was an Emerald ShinerThis is one fish...I usually take multiple pics of a suspected new fish, because each pic may offer a different clue that helps identify these small critters.)I also caught...Bleeding Shiners:Blackspotted Topminnows:Northern Studfish:Creek Chubs:Striped Shiners:Longear Sunfish and Green Sunfish:Bluegill and Hybrid Sunfish:
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Santee, Ca., U.S.A.


    Great photos Dave. Enjoyed seeing those. Thanks. Dennis

  3. #3


    Great pictures David! I enjoy seeing the pix of the different fish!Dale

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    nice variety of fish.

  5. #5


    Thanks fellas! It's fun to catch new-to-me fish. Ah, who am I kidding...it's fun to catch ANY fish! Some of these little creek species can get very colorful when they spawn. The Bleeding Shiners are starting to get a bit more of their "war paint and lipstick" colors. They can get MUCH more pronounced. I haven't personally caught one like that yet, looking forward to it. Look them up online to see what I mean!
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

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