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Thread: March 2, 2024

  1. #1

    Default March 2, 2024

    Having reached my goal of 100 U.S. Freshwater Fish on Fly, I've considered changing my stance on micro-fishing. It wasn't something I was particularly interested in, although I DO like seeing some of the cool micro species folks catch, such as the beautiful darter species. Most Micro-anglers use bait, often a tiny chunk of worm or even a piece of a grain of rice. I'm going to try it with micro "flies" on a fly rod. Something artificial (not bait) tied on a very small hook. Trout anglers have been using very small hooks for some midge dry flies and midge larva nymph flies for many years.Anyway... So I looked into micro-fishing a bit. Many micro & minnow species have TINY mouths. Gotta have a tiny hook they can get in their mouth. For my first go at this, I bought some Tanago hooks that are pre-snelled on a length of line/thread. I tied some material to 3 of the hooks (so far), each one a bit different material and different color. I took them fishing to a new-to-me creek.I fished for at least a couple couple hours, caught at least a dozen fish. Lost 2 of the 3 tanago flies to overhead trees after missed hooksets. Might be a little too aggressive... hey, I'm just learning! One of the reasons micro fishing didn't previously appeal to me, was that minnow species can be pretty hard to distinguish from each other. Today was a good example. There were 4 species I recognized (3 I'd caught before on larger flies), and then there were some I was not sure about... and still am not sure about.These 2 are Creek Chubs. Much smaller than I'm used to catching:Mottled Sculpins:Southern Redbelly Dace (just one):Striped Shiner:
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  2. #2


    Some or all of the following may also be Striped Shiners, or not...I really don't know.
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    I would guess that to be "bait" fishing! ....lee s.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by lee s View Post
    I would guess that to be "bait" fishing! ....lee s.
    Definitely fishing for bait-sized quarry! Obviously, I'm just in this for the epic battles! HA!!
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  5. #5


    I used to fish my home waters in NW Iowa for chubs, using a #18 woolly bugger. They put up a great fight for a small fish.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by iaflyfisher View Post
    I used to fish my home waters in NW Iowa for chubs, using a #18 woolly bugger. They put up a great fight for a small fish.
    I remember you saying you would catch some suckers with that fly too, right? That's pretty cool!I just got a pack of Daiichi 1130 #26 hooks here's how it compares to the tanago hook. The tanago is finer gauge wire, and the distance from the hook bend to hook point is about 1/2! Should be able to catch some LEEEETLE FEEESH on these!
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Santee, Ca., U.S.A.


    Finger food! Nice catching Dave. Dennis

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