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Thread: Ponds

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140

    Default Ponds

    The ponds I have go to in the last few weeks have massive algae growth on and in them. Two weeks ago the pond was about 85% covered with algae clumps. The pond this week was about 50% covered with algae and the water was a diluted pea soup green. A white fly disappeared about 8 inches down in the water. Both were down about two feet. A few other ponds I have looked at seem to be in the same condition. Not sure where I am going to try to fish. Never seen algae like this.


  2. #2


    Sounds awful, Rick! Some rain might help? On Saturday, I walked by a ditch I usually never fish... it is drying up. Dead stinking fish scattered around, mostly still in inches-deep water. I found one spot where there were still living fish...bowfin mostly, some gar, a couple bullheads and small carp. I relocated 3 bowfin and a bullhead to an adjacent ditch that had more water in it. But I wasn't prepared to do much more. The fish were swimming out of deeper water and beaching themselves in the shallows near shore...LIKE CORDWOOD...I can only assume they were trying to reach a shady spot? It was a 95 degree day. The fish I rescued felt very warm to the touch. There's over 100 bowfin in these 2 pictures!! Bowfin will bury themselves in mud like lungfish, and survive until rains come.
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

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