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Thread: Sinking Poly Leader

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by fritz View Post
    WOW! Didn't know this thread was going to bring out the ghouls and goblins hidden in the stream beds.............."HO" (no clue about its meaning either)
    fritz -

    After consulting my dictionary and trying to put in context the words "the HO", the only thing I can conclude is that the words are intended to say that Vice President Harris is a whore.

    If it were only so simple as a ghoul or a goblin - but it is a real lunatic who sent that Private Message.

    The thing that really stuns me, is that I come on here to help you out on a question you asked, and maybe some other B.B. members or visitors who would benefit from my comments or the resources I identified, and the lunatic takes the opportunity to come forth from the slime to insult me and a bunch of other B.B. members among the 80,000,000 who voted for Biden, and is too cowardly to do it in the open.

    The fish are always right.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    Sorry that it happened to you John. You have always been helpful.


  3. #13


    Rick -

    Not to worry. The private messager involved here has a history on this site of inviting or initiating conflict with any number of B.B members. But I doubt that he will be sending me any more private messages or engaging with others in such manner again.

    Interestingly, that person recently observed that "the best flyfishing/politics forum, FAOL". Other than the fact that this person has said numerous time that he is not a fly angler and definitely is not a fly tyer, he seems to not understand that this is not a "politics" forum.

    The fish are always right.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    And you're wrong again,
    I do recall an astute and erudite member of this forum, and on this OPEN forum, referring to you as an "A HOLE" for making a disparaging POLITICAL , uncalled for comment regarding MY PRESIDENT, DONALD TRUMP . I , as I did then, do wholeheartedly agree with his assessment.

    PS: And HOW CAN I FORGET ? ...... GO BRANDON !!!!!!!
    Last edited by Marco; 11-01-2021 at 11:48 PM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Louisville, KY


    I remember the day when I used to roll my eyes over the inanity of threads that asked what everyone thought was the best kind of net, which line was best, etc., etc. (conveniently forgetting of course that I had asked many similar questions when I started).

    Now I long for those times when there was at least one corner of the Internet where an "inane" question could be posed without it being turned into an opportunity for political flamethrowing.

  6. #16


    Suggesting that 80,000,000 Americans be prosecuted for treason for exercising their right to vote is idiotic, hateful, and deranged.

    In the meantime, I had a really good day today fishing in rather chilly conditions on a northern Idaho freestone creek. Somewhere around 20 fishies playing with a variety of my original patterns - most went for an FEB stonefly, and then they pretty much evenly split on an FEB October caddis, a mahogony dun emerger, and a JARS nymph.

    Didn't use a poly leader - the homebrew thread furled leader did just fine, for both the dry flies and the wet ones.

    The fish are always right.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    I so remember that fly! Fly of the Week ... June 2, 2012 ... The furled extended body October Caddis! Ha! Back in the real days of FAOL, when you didn't have to worry about porn on your messages, or political nonsense, or deranged put downs of anyone who doesn't think the same as him. Thank you, John for the great memories, and the continued fly fishing material on this site.

    Also, this is not an open forum for politics. Politics are verboten ... read the site rules. This is a fly fishing site ... the best there is.
    Last edited by Betty Hiner; 11-02-2021 at 03:22 PM.
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    Ditto Betty....and Thank You....
    ....lee s.

  9. #19

    Arrow Indeed ...

    ... Betty, the FEB O.C. was an FAOL FOTW, as were the other three mentioned in my earlier post on fishing the other day.

    Those four are among twelve or thirteen original flies presented for the FOTW articles years ago, and are in the Archives, mostly in 2012 and 2013, as I recall. A couple of them demonstrated fly tying methods that I haven't seen anywhere else - the JARS and Duck's Green Drake, for example, have tails incorporated into an FEB, and a couple others demonstrated the 9DH aka 90 degree hackling technique. On the latter, a couple years ago I ran into a fellow who had been fly tying for 30 plus years, had published a number his own flies, who had never seen that technique, but understood it and took to it immediately.

    Getting back to poly leaders, the only time I have even touched one was a couple months ago. I ran into a couple of guys, one from Texas and the other from North Carolina, fishing on my home water. The fellow from Texas remembered meeting me a year earlier at exactly the same place. The fellow from North Carolina had never been to Idaho nor fished for trout. We got into an hour long discussion about the essentials of fishing for trout on moving water compared to stillwater fishing for bass, during which time he handed me a poly leader sold to him by a Missoula fly shop, for something like $17. Shame on them.

    I provided the North Carolinian with a furled leader, suggested that he return the poly leader and get his bucks back, gave him an FEB Salmonfly and directions to the six most likely places on the river where he had a decent chance of getting into some cutthroats. It's what some of us fly anglers and fly tyers out here do to help a stranger be successful and have some fun during his / her visit.

    The fish are always right.

  10. #20

    Arrow Going way back ...

    ... to 2007, for another FAOL FOTW. The first original fly I submitted to the FOTW was the t.c.t.k. aka ten cent trout killer. This one was submitted before I became a BB member. The funniest thing about it was - it became the subject of four or five different threads, one of the simplest flies ever tied and one of the most discussed FOTW flies ever on the Bulletin Board.

    Anyway, it came full circle from way back when to a slightly modified version today, in a couple different ways.

    Fishing was so good the other day, I decided to play tag with an FEB Salmonfly today, at least to get started. My home water hasn't fished at all well this year, to the point that I have been considering not buying a license next year. So today, which may be my last day this year there, the fishing was incredible. In the first hour and a quarter, about thirty fishies hit the pointless fly. A few of them did have the audacity to get stuck on the bend of the hook but were good enough to shake it off in a matter of seconds, so I could get back to my role in playing tag.

    After that first hour and a quarter, I decided to change it up. The slightly modified t.c.t.k. simply had a bead head added to the original version thread on a Dai-Riki 135 in size 16 fly. Well, that fly, which I've only fished a couple times on my home water before, landed five fishies, before it broke off landing the last one.

    Since I didn't have any more t.c.t.k.s with me, I went with a very small flashback P.T. gifted to me by BB member tedshuck a couple years ago. That little guy fly added several more to the daily count. And that is how the t.c.t.k. came full circle - ted's flashback was tied on a hook that was one of a couple hundred size 16 and 18 135s that I gave to him because I only paid ten bucks for the lot of them and knew that I wasn't going to use them any more.

    Finally, a few fish started rising to a very light hatch of mahogany duns so I went back to the PT MDE 9DH and caught another five fishies before the last one, a really fat, healthy, fiesty 17" west slope cutthroat took the fly so deep I had to break it off to release him.

    So now the question is whether I will get another annual license for my home water next year ? Or is it that I have to tie up some more t.c.t.k.s ?

    The fish are always right.

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