Over 50 years ago I spent a lot of time in upstate New York. Phonenica NY is a small hamlet on Esopus Creek in the Catskills. There was a store there That sold just about everything. All very nice things.The name of store
eludes me (Help from a New Yorker?) "Somebody Brothers" I think. It was 1 of the 2 places on The Esopus that you could buy Flies. The other was the Diner where a kid sold his for 35 cents. Nice ones too! I stopped at the store to buy flies often and to talk fishing with the owner, a nice elder gentileman. Once he showed me a neck and and saddle like I had never seen before, There was no Metz or Whiting in those days Mostly Little India necks and I was blown away. I bought that neck and saddle and still have it The 14s, 12s and 10s are all gone' but I can't bear to throw it away. I call the hackles Instant Adams because the color was right and it took only one hackle To tie one. I tied a couple a few of days ago, my usual sloppy Job. Tried to find the right size hackles but finally had to try the right size hooks. Enjoy the quality of todays fly tying supplies. We've come a long way! Note My flies picture is in my oops forgot post. Sorry I messed up