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Thread: Carp on Fly-Videos

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    SE Nebraska

    Default Carp on Fly-Videos

    With the storms we've had, it gave me a chance to catch up on videos.

    First is a 37" grass carp I was lucky enough to land. I was casting at a decent grassie against the bank. At the beginning of the video watch for a dark shape that drops back from the current to my side of the creek. You know it's big when it grabs your attention. After many drifts, I was able to hook it with a fl chartreuse SJW, but unfortunately I shut off camera:

    <span style="color: rgb(37, 44, 47); font-family: Arial; font-size: 16px;">https://youtu.be/HhekrXlzze4

    Last are a couple of commons sight-fished and hooked on a fl fuchsia SJW; only one eat caught on video:

    <span style="color: rgb(37, 44, 47); font-family: Arial; font-size: 16px;">https://youtu.be/zoEDmW6U_8g

    Hope the weather holds to get out and fish. Tight lines!

  2. #2


    I watched the grass carp one...That's pretty awesome!
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    SE Nebraska


    @FishnDave Thanks. Only good thing about this bad weather, is catching up on tying flies to replace the ones I donated to snags & prepping gear.

  4. #4


    Very much appreciate your post. That is real fishing....and just gives one insight as to how to fish. Wish I could see tons of this kind of stuff on trout and bass. Not commercial stuff....just real people doing it. BTW what action camera did you use?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    SE Nebraska


    @Whitewolf Thanks. I do the videos more as a video journal for myself. But truth be told the more memorable times of my fishing are the times I lost fish. Wish I could rewind back the time, to do it a different way.

    I use 2 gopro cameras, depending if I want to go light or lug weight. My older gopro is a 3+silver with a polarizer filter. The batteries kept losing charge, so I got an external battery and a 10ft adapter that snaps into the battery area. External power lasts a LONG time. The newer camera is a Session 4, that is pretty much a cube. It's lighter, but I don't have a polarizing filter (to cut glare). Battery doesn't last long, so I'll turn it on only if there's a high percentage I'll hook the fish I spotted. Recently got a long cord for that also to plug into the external battery.

    You may be in luck. With the crappy weather, the creek we fish looks like chocolate milk. That means going back to where I learned how to flyfish, which are bass & panfish. I'll try to get some video.

    I'll post some videos from fish from 2020. Take care.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Portage, PA


    Phew, that's a big fish. I hope he recovered.

  7. #7


    I watched the grass carp video again...barbless hook??? I'm amazed that fish didn't shake it loose! Good job!
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    SE Nebraska


    @lastchance I believe it did. The only thing I did was take hook out. Otherwise, it stayed in the net and in the water.

    Quote Originally Posted by lastchance View Post
    Phew, that's a big fish. I hope he recovered.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    SE Nebraska


    @FishnDave As long as you keep tension on the line, fish aren't coming off...unless you're like me trying to horse them in. I've slowly been switching from TMC 2457 which are expensive, to Mustad C068 which are way cheaper, and just as strong. I thought I wasn't going to like the offset hook of the Mustad, but I've gotten used to them. Now I'm trying out Firehole's. 36 per pack sounds good to me, plus they're all barbless.

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