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Thread: Mobility issues - advice needed

  1. #1

    Default Mobility issues - advice needed

    Not sure where I might ask this question so thought I'd try here.

    I'm 63 years old and the degenerative arthritis in my spine really took a toll this last fishing season. Took forever to figure out where the problem was originating from because it was manifesting itself in R side sciatica extending into the calf and an aching R front hip and quad. Standing for an extended period of time got to be impossible such that I'd often have to sit bankside. Turns out, it's my sacrum. The neurologist has suggested an sacroiliac (SI) joint fusion. I've already tried PT, chiropractic care, Pilates, acupuncture, custom insoles, basically everything so does anyone have an idea how an SI fusion might affect my mobility when fly fishing? How if you know? I'm considering two cortical steroid injections (one in April followed up 3 months later in July to cover the fishing season) and physical therapy to try and postpone undergoing an SI fusion which I view as inevitable. Any insight that one might share would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    I'm sorry for your difficulties and I can relate to the pain you're feeling. I did a lot of physical work as a younger man and my back paid the price. I ignored the pain as long as I could, but last year the sciatica got so bad that it was debilitating. I was hunched over in agony just walking to my truck. I finally broke down and had back surgery. The tests showed that I had complete blockage of vertebrae L1-L5 in my lower back. On top of that two of the discs in my back had been damaged long ago and had calcified as I just pushed through the back pain. The surgery involved a laminectomy on L1 through L5. It was no fun and the recovery took longer than I expected, but it took 30 years off of my back. The surgery was in mid November last year and I am back to full speed now. I understand that their are a lot of different reasons that one suffers from back pain. Your condition sounds different than what I had, but the surgery was the best thing I've ever done for my body. Best of luck and please keep us posted. I will keep you in my prayers for a successful treatment.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    port charlotte,fl usa


    Not sure if sacrum fusion is the same as kyphoplasty, but mother went thru 2 a decade apart which helped immensely in getting around with a variety of walkers in physical therapy & then use of a cane. An elderly fishing friend also had spinal disc fusion, but the doctors did not inform of the high probability of repairing one might cause a fracture in the disc above or below; which resulted in him going thru another kyphoplasty within a year as he wouldn't slow down working in retirement.

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