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Thread: Deer Hair Compara Emerger

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ontario Canada


    So what makes a compara, a compara?? (if not the wing as tied by NJT)

  2. #12


    Byron I am not as computer savy as most, tried and failed. Something I want to get better at and will. That said if you go back to the DRC Web site and click on "flies" the first page has a Baetis Compara dun. Click on that and there are 3 more flies below and one is a Compara emerger. I have stayed at the DRC been in the shop 100's of times and never seen the fly tied that way, at first they probably were. I never had the opportunity to talk to Al but I did talk to Bob. His knowledge of trout fishing was incredible, we owe these guys as trout fishers and tiers so much. Of course them and many others. My personal opinion when Mathews came out with the sparkle Dun could be the time when they changed from forked tails to z-lon. Charlie Meck was pushing the z-lon shuck back then too. Also if you notice on the DRC Web that they tie there Compara duns with split tails still and emergers with z-lon. I have tied the Compara emerger and have fished it for years. Many people have substituted other materials and hook styles but I'm pretty sure C/N did it first. Hope this helps.

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Byron haugh View Post
    The term "Compara" was used solely by Caucci/Nastasi in their pattern.
    Actually, "Compara" was used "originally" by Caucci and Nastasi in their patterns. However, it is a very commonly used term now throughout fly tying. So yes, My pattern would not be a Caucci/Nastasi Compara Emerger. But it is the style pattern commonly referred to now as a Compara emerger, tied both with and without a tail.

    A deer hair emerger from what I've always understood it...is a stacked deer hair wing tied forward over the eye. But not flared in comparadun style. Or am I over-simplifying things? I could be wrong.

    I will say this much....I tied, bought and fished the X-caddis out west for many years...tied exactly like it, but with a slight trailing shuck instead of the split tail. Same length wing and all. I think a lot depends on which book a person reads.

  4. #14
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    I tied up few when I first read Hatches but I was not impressed with the results. I no longer carry them as I believe there are better emerger patterns out here.
    I can think of few acts more selfish than refusing a vaccination.

  5. #15


    NJT the x-caddis wing is tied longer than the compara emerger and it is not necessary to flair it 180?. It is meant to float low in the film and will be tough to see in fast water. Emerger wings can be tied forward like the Quigley cripple, rearward such as the the C/N compara emerger. To me emergers are tied to fish low and in the film, wet flies to me are emergers. I also think emerger is an overused term that obviously has a different meaning to an individual.

  6. #16
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    The big differences between the X-Caddis and the deer hair compara-emerger emerger are:
    The caddis has a zelon shuck v. A split tail
    And, the caddis over wing is longer to give a tent shape whereas the emerger deer hair is just through the thorax to imitate a splitting shuck and provide buoyancy.

    I have seen Caucci's new pattern the Compara-CDC Emerger which is similar to the more modern emerger patterns and is tied on a scud/emerger curved hook.
    Last edited by Byron haugh; 03-23-2015 at 05:20 PM.

  7. #17



    No disrespect meant to anybody. Certainly not you or Caucci/Nastasi....but here is my point. Looking in "Flies, The best One Thousand", published in the early 90's I believe? You have two nearly identical-winged patterns (Hairwing Dun & Sparkle Caddis), one with a trailing shuck, one with a split wing. Neither of them referred to even as an emerger. Tied with a wing like the Compara Emerger. Yet that pattern is nowhere in the book. Nor is the version I tied. You can't even find the word "emerger". LOL

    Like I said, don't want to derail the thread or offend anybody. This all has always fascinated me. How from coast-to-coast you have so many parallels in fly tying.

  8. #18
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    Here is a relative of the original as tied by Al Caucci.
    It is the "Compara-emerger " v. The original deer hair compara-emerger.
    Note the length of the rear facing deer hair tips
    He adopted zelon for the tail in this version.


  9. #19


    Gene, I agree, the original pattern of the X-caddis was about 2/3rd of a standard EHC. But that is not how it was predominantly tied as it gained popularity. It was tied very short, and fished as a Mayfly emerger. The spitting image of the newer version that Byron just posted. It was very popular as a PED Pattern on the Yakima throuhg the mid 90's. That and the "Hairwing Dun" which included a turn of hackle as well. A short wing, creamy olive rabbit body and a few sparse fibers of Rust antron yarn.

  10. #20


    They all blend together, at times with regional influences changing them. I apologize for derailing your thread. Its been awhile since I've been through that book. Those gentlemen and their tying history are basically in my back yard. A friend of mine keeps a drift boat up there and shares the same camp ground I believe? Need to visit it this Spring.

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