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Thread: Cold Feet?

  1. #1

    Default Cold Feet?

    I?ve always been plagued by cold feet. I always wear a pair of long johns under polar fleece pants underneath my waders. I usually wear a pair of smartwool type socks. My last outing was lake fishing, and it was rather cold, so I expected the cold feet. After a couple hours of fishing I have to get out and walk for about 10 minutes to get the blood circulating and thaw my feet out. At the end of the day when I peeled my waders off my feet are almost damp enough where I thought my waders were leaking. I use breathable Simms waders, but they still have the neoprene feet on them that I feel keep the moisture from my feet inside. They eventually chill from being damp. I checked the boots and they do not leak.

    Do you experience the same thing and do you have any suggestions to keep your feet warm?

    Thanks for any comments.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    new york state



    i am no doctor but is sounds like you might have a circulation problem. try sprinking cayene powder on you food for a few days before your next cold fishing trip. if it works use a little each day and experiment until you find the right dosage.

    good luck


  3. #3


    SEanB - I have poor circulation in my toes and have to keep at a minimum socks on at all times (even in the summer) and most of the time I leave my shoes on too. I have a heck of a time not getting numb toes when I fish, standing in 45-55 degree water for hours at a time. Then I found these and used them on my last trip - what a great invention. they've been around for years but I only recently stumbled up on them. Hope you try them out and they work, they sure do for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Cape Coral, Florida, USA



    I learned this many, many years ago, and although it may seem too simple to work, it really does.

    To help warm your extremities... wear a hat. That's right. When your body doesn't have to pump so much warm blood up top to warm your noggin, more is available for circulation to your fingers and toes. Try it....


  5. #5


    Thanks grumps and FFT

    FFT - I've tried a similar product called Toasti Toes. When I first peel off the adhesive backing and put underneath my toes and put in my shoes they get quite warm. It seems as soon as I put my feet in my wader they extinguish and the cold sets in. After ah hour or two I take my waders of and the warmer has extinguished and is cold. They're supposed to last for 5 hours. I'll try your toe warmers and see if they work any better. Thanks for the tip.


  6. #6


    Sounds like your feet are sweating too much. Go get a cheap stick of anti-perspirant and apply it to your feet before layering up. You might also try a pair of wicking liner socks under the smart wool.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Missoula, MT USA


    I know of a few products that might help: Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, Dickel, and pretty much anything that can thin your blood a bit. Being drunk is just a bonus to the thin blood and warm feet.

  8. #8


    "The Old Sarge" (that is me)says...

    If your feet are cold, put on your hat!

    Fact is you lose, 1/3 of your body's heat through the top of your head. The body will draw heat away from your arms and legs, to protect the brain.

    It is also important in cold and hot weather, to protect the back of your neck, with scarf (cold weather) or wet wrap (hot weather), this is where your body's themostat (which controls your body's temperature) is located!

    Last but not least; in cold weather have looser fitting footwear! Do not cutoff the blood flow to the feet. The feet have the worst blood circulation in the body. Standing still for long periods in cold weather is the worst thing you can do. The leg muscules (by walking or stomping your feet up & down, will help circulate warm blood supply to the feet and toes.

    These things I learned when stationed with the 6th Infantry Division in Alaska. We would spend most of the winter months on exercises in the outback, with no tents or stoves. High temp was minus 40 degrees.


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Penticton BC
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    I have perpetualy cold feet , there are support stockings that look like regular socks you can get them in any drug store . They act like the pressure suits that the airforce uses . Regular socks constrict at the ankle which adds to the cold feet problem . Support socks are specially made not to do that . Check Your ankles at the end of the day if there is a noticeable indent from your socks after you take them off you should consult a doctor about poor circulation . My Dr found a constriction and after a small operation my feet no longer are so cold . Be careful of heated socks , diebetics should not wear them . The others are correct , wearing a hat does work well . I always take several pairs of socks along and change them several times a day . Its a pain in the butt but it helps .
    Cheers .
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Euless, Texas, USA


    I learned alot from the other posts, but have something to add.

    You mentioned wearing "longjohns" under your fleece pants. If those are traditional longjohns with any cotton in them, you are preventing some of the moisture from breathing through the waders. Cotton will soak up some of the vapor your body releases, and then your body has to warm up that water as well. Cotton also looses ALL of its insulating value when wet. Switching off to a synthetic underlayer or actually just wearing the fleece will most likely make you warmer.

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