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Thread: Biot body dry fly

  1. #1

    Default Biot body dry fly


    Hi just wanting to test my ability to post a picture and open this tie up to critism. Always looking for advice!

    Please let me know if this uploads correctly. Taken with an I phone so quality may be lacking


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    6286 Birch Valley Dr, San Antonio, TX 78242


    The fly looks great and the picture uploaded correctly. I can't criticize since I'm just now starting to tie hackle dry flies.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Elida, Ohio


    Better send a dozen of them my way for some on the water testing...

    "A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her."
    -W.C. Fields

  4. #4


    That is a well-tied fly. I like that the eye is not crowded, you left plenty of room for a nice thread head. Hackle and tail sizing is something that changes from tier to tier. I like to size mine with proportions similar to yours, tail about hook length, hackle about twice the hook gap. Your biot body is well wrapped in even turns.

    As for criticism, and this is where macro photography sometimes is our own worst enemy in magnifying small details, you can see a small bump on your biot body, right above the hook point. This is probably from where the wing butts end. To smooth that out you can try to cut the wing feather butts at a steeper angle so they blend in better with the tail fibers, giving you a smooth base. Again, this is MINOR and the fish will absolutely not care. Thanks for posting this fly, it's a very nice tie.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Ashburn, Virginia


    I'd say not a bad pic for an I-Phone but they take some excellent photos now; a bit more light on the fly might help sharpen the focus on macro shots (I know it does with my P&S). I like my biot body flies with the ridge-side out, but that's just personal preference. Nice fly.


  6. #6


    Thanks for the tips, I have a hard time sometimes getting that transition into a smooth taper and of course it's tough to hide with quills and what not... Here is another batch I did up, this time with stripped peacock image.jpg

  7. #7


    Those look pretty darn good to me. And I don't think that little bump on the other one is going to cause any refusals.

  8. #8


    Look fine to me too. I think you got it.

  9. #9


    Thanks for the compliments, love tying that style of dry fly, something about wrapping hackle makes me happy. Must be the fly tier in me

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