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Thread: Am I GOOFY?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Las Cruces, NM


    Fishin's fun, but catchin's more fun!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Kapaa, hawaii
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    Catching is definitely one of the goals!

  3. #23


    Not Goofy nor complacent. My scope of fly fishing has narrowed over the years. While I enjoy catching larger fish, I more or less dislike using any rod/reel setups over a stout 6wt. None of my current rods have fighting butts. While I have caught fish in the 10# range on six weights, I generally don't target them. Trout, Panfish and bass keep me grinning and when I take a notion, provide a nice meal for friends and family!

    US Veteran and concerned citizen

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Nashville, Tennessee, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    I have to add that like Mr. Jacklin ( heretofore unknown to me) ,if I hooked into a 23" trout in my normal fishery, I would be equally elated and would certainly NOT cut the line in order to maintain my 22" statement. I merely state that if there came about an opportunity for me to travel to a fishery , even for nada, that contained 50" trout and THAT was the purpose of the trip, I could easily pass,. Therefore , onaccounta my "longer arms" statement, AM I GOOFY?

    PS: Also, unlike Mr. Jacklin, had I been the "lucky" one, THAT fish would certainly have been released and my arms, such as they are, would certainly be able to "describe" it's size more "accurately"


    No Marco, you are NOT Goofy. I've seen you. Your ears are much to short for you to be Goofy. You aren't Mickey Mouse, either.

    We fish for different reasons. Some want to catch as many fish, or as many of a certain sort of fish, as they can. Some want to catch the biggest fish they can. Some want to catch as many species as they can. Others set different goals. Enjoying the peaceful, calming time on the water with others whom you like and with whom you feel comfortable is as valid a goal as any. You go out with friends, or make new ones. You cast flies to rising fish or to likely haunts of fish. Things happen. Events occur. Stories are born. Some stories grow to the status of legends, at least in our own lives. We are enriched in ways a ledger cannot understand.

    As for me, my goal remains to catch a less-than-one-inch-long trophy creek chub. I have come close. I have the one-weight rod. I have the tiny hooks. Some day, I might achieve my goal. I want to catch my trophy on a dry fly. I don't care whether I'm viewed as Goofy or not. Personally, I really enjoy being out and splashing around in the water. Those who have seen me "wade" will be able to verify that.


  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    Needless to say, I'm relieved you have possibly postponed my self imposed exile into "the home" of frustrated fly fishermen. I now recall, about 30 years ago, an invitation from a Canadian friend to join him in Nova Scotia for some HUGE Brook trout possibilities. Granted, there were more considerations then , but the lure of the "monsters" even then, was not enough. Oh yes, I almost forgot, there was also some murmur of divorce if I chose "wrong".

    PS: "why Wyoming" Byron , you must have never been there . Also it's my Alma Mater UW in Laramie a few years ago. Left my heart there.

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    I have been there. Love the fishing there. Love the "golden triangle" Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming.
    My destination each summer. Some great fishing and great fish abound.

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    I am an adrenaline junky. I watched a legit 30 incher lost at shore in this picture three years ago.

    I wasn't even the angler but the net man.

    It hit at shore and was on less than 2 seconds.

    It haunts me.

    I have even had nightmares about it.

    Am I goofy?

    Your dang skippy I am.

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Funny how such fish cause such vivid, long lasting memories. Bet you and the fisher involved will enjoy discussing that day for many years to come!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    southwest Virginia

    Default Maybe not too goofy but dumbo at times...

    Couple of years ago went to a local "catch & release" section of a river and hooked up with a pretty big brown. Got it close enough to eyeball and then it broke me off. On goes another nymph that I tie and about the third cast another big hit. This one too was in the 18" range and it broke me off again.

    Then the "Goofy" light bulb flashed and I remembered that a few days before I had been fishing a small mountain stream for gigantic six inchers on average and was using a 7X tippet.

    Finally came to and changed to a 5X and believe it or don't nailed a legitimate 19" brown shortly thereafter. Wasn't the size of the fish so much as finally remembering where I was and the possibilities of catching a big 'un there. Needless to say, but being able to hook up with three fish in a row this size in this river was completely way out of character.

    I still get that "goofy" feeling when ever I think about that day.

    It's not the size of the fish but the memories that count be it a 4" or 28" one. And I've been lucky enough to marvel at them both.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    YES! Marco,
    You ARE goofy.....and a detriment to our economy. How dare you to not crave the newest and latest piece of equipment or the grandest trip to pursue the "biggest"! Besides, big is only relative anyway. Some streams we target, a 12" trout is grand and some lakes we have visited, it takes a 20" trout to be worth mentioning.
    Content? Never! When the bluegill are grabbing our poppers, we wonder how the steelhead season will develop. When we are selfishly pursuing steelhead, we are anxiously awaiting popper time.
    Yes, the memories and friends are the grandest parts anymore. The winter season (steelhead) seems mostly selfish and for our own pleasure. However, even greater pleasure is derived during our warm water season as kids and "newbies" acquire success at some o the ponds we have access to....these are the BEST memories now.
    Goofy? Ain't we all! I mean, flinging feathers at some piscatorial target with the expectation that ingestion will occur.....come on now.
    Dang few of us would have it any other way though.
    .....lee s.

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