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Thread: Pharmacist Formula Solvent?

  1. #1

    Default Pharmacist Formula Solvent?

    Does anyone know what was the solvent base for Pharmacist Formula head cement?

    I have an ancient bottle that did finally solidify and would like to redissolve it. It sort of smells like methyl-ethyl-ketone, but I am uncertain if that is the solvent, and it seems somewhat unlikely as the stuff really did not evaporate from the bottle rapidly like an MEK based head cement.

    Google did not find any definitive answers.

    I have just recently pulled out my boxes of tying materials and am getting set up once again (after ~25 years). So I can say all the new materials are a bit overwhelming...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Red River, New Mexico


    Welcome! I think after 25 years you are probably going to be buying a few new materials, so I think I'd invest in some new head cement, too.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    New York



    Not being certain what solvent to buy and having seen in the hardware stores that almost all solvents are packaged in pints or quarts, which will last a lifetime if used only for this purpose, it seems like you'll spend more then for a new product. However, and if you have to try something, maybe 'lacquer thinner'?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Red River, New Mexico


    An interesting article on various head cements, including Pharmacist's Formula.


  5. #5


    That drlogik article was the only one I could find with any reference to the solvent in the cement. I am certain it is not laquer based, my guess is an alcohol. I will try a small chunk with ethanol and propanol.

    I know it is easier to buy a new bottle, but I want to salvage this stuff of cement legends.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Upstate New York, USA


    Hi Schwert,

    That stuff is so good it's collected by some folks now

  7. #7


    Ahh, that looks like a lifetime supply.

    I have a half bottle (original bottle) that is still fluid, and the stuff I left in my bodkin topped bottle is rubbery as most of the solvent evaporated.

    I took a small chunk of the dried up stuff into some ethanol this morning and did not get a feeling it was going to dissolve, but I will keep watching it. I still think I can smell MEK in the mix so may give that a try too.

    Lower volatility solvents that this cement had to have must have been higher molecular weight alcohols, ketones and/or longer chain hydrocarbons compared to the usual head cement stuff like toluene and lacquer thinner. Bottle does state hydrocarbons, ketones and alcohols which is sort of a help, though not quite enough....

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