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Thread: How I have been spending my summer

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    I am not a doctor or a therapist, but, you need to be very careful with "your" therapy that "you" are doing. I had rotator cuff surgery on Jan. 31st ( I know it is not the same surgery as you had) and I went to therapy 3 times per week and after a short period, I decided I would do some of my own therapy and ended up with the therapist having to redo what she had gained due to overuse by me. It is not fun, but, you must not overdo it. One slip while fly fishing or an unexpectant quick movement by you to maintain your balance while fly fishing can do harm and damage to your injury. I know it is hard to not fly fish, but, listening to your therapist and following their advise will shorten your healing time. Just be careful ...........
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  2. #12


    So true. I know I need to. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    southwest Virginia

    Default Bicycles are not for sissies!

    Way back about 1952, when I was 12 years old,was showing off by dismounting my bike, running along side it for a ways and then hopping back on it. Unfortunately, my foot slipped off the pedal and went into the spokes and that was about the same as power brakes nowadays. Bike came to a quick and complete stop and I started falling over backwards but landed very hard on my right elbow. Shortly afterwards noticed that it was getting difficult to bend and finally couldn't stand the pain any longer. Fessed up to mom and off to the doctors. Seems like I damaged it enough to start some kind of growth or something right in the joint where it flexed. Spent the rest of the summer and into the fall walking to the hospital three times a week for therapy. They wrapped it in hot warm towels, then made me put it in a whirlpool that was about scalding for a while. Lastly, I had to start lifting small weighgts via a pully system attached to a wall and do it for a few minutes and gradually longer till I recevered full use of the elbow. No fancy surgery or stuff back then for dumb little boys showing off! As others have said, don't overdue using the elbow till your therapy is completed.
    Last edited by Grn Mt Man; 08-11-2014 at 02:07 PM. Reason: spelling errors

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    Glad you are doing better.
    That is a beautiful rod.


  5. #15


    I broke my elbow a number of years ago too, however not as bad as yours is, by the looks of the x-ray. I have 2 screws holding my elbow in place. I followed my therapy and pushed for range of motion. My Dr. told me to start moving my elbow 1 week after surgery. I now have 95% range of motion. If it doesn't hurt when you straighten you elbow, you are not pushing it far enough to extend the range. My Dr. said they shoot for regaining 60% to 80% range back.

    Good luck

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Woodbine, MD


    I'd say that the rod should go a long way to making the injury less horrible.

  7. #17


    Exactly, thanks

  8. #18


    I was just thinking how FG has been absent awhile and then I find this post. I'm so sorry for your misfortune. Prayers for a successful recovery.
    Trout don't speak Latin.

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