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Thread: Okay Guys Here is How to Make Skip's Glow Jigs and Flies

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Hemphill, TX.

    Default Okay Guys Here is How to Make Skip's Glow Jigs and Flies


    How to make Glow Jigs and Flies.....

    Materials needed....

    Softex Maybe even more than one? (You should check prices all over for this)

    Wooden Skewers (I am still using the first skewers I started with and just wipe them off after each use)

    Clear Powder Paint

    Glow Powder (Best quality you can find)

    White Ultra chenille (maybe more than one size)

    Starting out you may need a few extra glass jars to keep this all in.

    Basic steps.....

    Paint head

    Tie Jig Just like any other jig you would tie except use the Ultra Chenille! Of course depending on the size of what your tying select the best size of Ultra Chenille that you can. Unless your tying really tiny jigs or flies you may not need the micro size chenille.

    Okay first the glow head. You will need some Clear Powder Paint and some Glow Powder. Mix 18% at most of the Glow Powder to the Clear Powder Paint. Once painted I do cure it just like any other jig head. Then after that is done I do add one coat of Sally Henson?s Hard as Nails over that to make it feel more smooth because the Glow Powder makes it feel rough.

    Next you will need Softex and mix in enough Glow Powder that it?s no longer clear. I don?t have a % to tell you and I just do this by feel and sight. I use a wooden skewer like your wife may use in the kitchen and I use the pointed end to apply the mix to the chenille tied on the jig. As you turn the jig around you can put the mix on and smooth it out (put on a bit thick as some will soak in) and once your happy with it, hang on something until dry enough to handle easy. Then after it?s dry or at least done enough, get some Clear Softex and again use the skewer to put a coat on over the previous mix coat. This final coat will make it feel smooth where before that it feels pretty rough. Also a note, if your using new Softex it may take 2 coats of the clear over the body to make really smooth with drying between coats. However after a while and you have a jar of thicker stuff it will do well with just one coat.

    Here is where I buy my Glow Powder or did when I was still buying it. Now I have plenty, probably too much, LOL! There are other places but I say buy at your own risk on that! Sometimes you can catch it on sale and that is when you want to load up on a nice size package.

    Also they seem to come out with what is suppose to be a new Green that is brighter, I have several different ones and really can?t tell much difference so just use what you have before buying more and I feel sure they have made some since I bought any.


    and for the page you really want at this site...


    Now some Pics.

    This is the jig tied and also showing my largest Ultra Chenille. The chenille can also be used to make it glow and maybe even use it for an extended tail.

    Here I have added the mixed Glow to the body and has dried.

    Here I have added the thick clear top coat and it's still wet.

    Here the Clear top coat has dried and it's finished.

    Now some Pics of materials:

    Here is the mixed Glow Powder and Softex and what it looks like when I use it.

    Here is the mixed stuff Glowing

    Here is my thick Softex which is what it gets to over time using it and it can be used in lots of ways other than Glow Baits.

    Here it is in new condition and thin and also lots of ways to use this as is!

    Here is a 4 Oz pack of Glow Powder.

    Last here is one of my wooden skewers I use.

  2. #2


    Thanks Skip, that was interesting.

    It Just Doesn't Matter....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Hemphill, TX.


    Quote Originally Posted by Buddy Sanders View Post
    Thanks Skip, that was interesting.

    Your welcome!
    There are just so many different things that one could do with this stuff. I took a piece of the chenille and soaked it good with the mix and then I have a piece of kind of stiff glow chenille that glows very bright and could be used a ton of ways at least in my mind. Hope some here can use it and tell us what they did and how it worked for them. I hear most jig guys fishing especially up North saying their catch is 2 to 1 using glow over no glow. I know they work well during the day here on this lake. After all once down a few feet it's dark enough!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Ashburn, Virginia


    Quote Originally Posted by Skip48 View Post
    Here is the mixed stuff Glowing
    Looks like it came from Fukishima; what's its half-life? Very nice pics and explanation; thanks for posting.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Hemphill, TX.


    Quote Originally Posted by ScottP View Post
    Looks like it came from Fukishima; what's its half-life? Very nice pics and explanation; thanks for posting.

    They claim this glow powder will glow a very long time, but I really don't think you can go by that, but it does glow for a lot longer than anything else I see. Here is what they say on their site about this glow powder.....

    Brightness Rating: Very High (33000)
    Duration: Very Long (24+ hours)
    Glow Color: Green-Yellow
    Daytime Color: Very Light Green
    Not compatible with water-based mediums
    Grade 0, 55-85 micron
    Brightest Glow Powder Sold Anywhere

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