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Thread: What a way to go.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA

    Default What a way to go.

    Below is an Obituary that appeared in The K.Falls Oregon paper this morning.

    "John ----- passed away on the Copper River with his beloved brother and cousin, as he was slaying the reds. He collapsed never to regain consciousness."

    The article didn't say but I suspect it means the Copper River in Alaska.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    When the times comes I could think of few better ways to exit this world. There was the lady back home who had a heart attack sitting on the side of a local lake bait fishing where she had caught a 12 lb. largemouth bass previously.
    Want to hear God laugh? Tell him Your plans!!!

  3. #3


    He was a lucky man.

    My father had a heart attack on a golf course with his golfing buddies and passed away on the course. I never felt bad as to where he died. He was having a good time with friends, I just wish I could have been playing with him that day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002


    not a bad way to go out. Along similar lines,I asked my adult sons to take me out to one of my favorite creeks in Wyoming just south of the Beartooth mtn and drop me off with my trusty 35 yr old Eureka two man tent,y down bag, and my 1952 Orvis Battenkill bamboo.at the first signs of Alzheimer's or dementia and then just let happen what will happen.Im not at all interested in spending my last days in a managed care facility's .it is a stream Hemingway fished and wrote about long ago,and it has turned into one of my favorite streams out west. my sons seem to understand.I think it's important to control as much of your ending as you can when possible just as you should try to live your daily life on your own terms as much as possible while still being socially responsible.
    Have fun
    it's all good drifts

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