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Thread: Fly Tying Alergies

  1. #1

    Default Fly Tying Alergies

    I hit the fly tying bench last night after a month hiatus. As I was tying, I started sneezing and my nose started to run. My wife suggested I was allergic to some materials I was using. (I took it as a ploy of my wife to get me away from my tying bench and get something done around the house). I am hoping I am just catching a cold. Since this has never happened to me before, is there anyone out there that developed allergies from the feathers or furs used in tying flies? The prospect sounds tragic to me since I do not want to go on medication in order to tie up some flies.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Western Washington
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    More often than I would like it to happen I will sometimes get into a sneezing fit (anytime I sneeze around 10 or 15 times in one session I call that a fit) when I am either sorting through a whole lot of flies or doing some tying with various materials. To my knowledge I normally have no allergies but obviously some chemical is being used on some flies and materials that my nose responds to in a negative manner. I try not to touch my face when I am handling these objects and I always wash my hands after touching them. It sure isn't going to stop me from enjoying my favorite pastime.

    Larry ---sagefisher---

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Nashville, Tennessee, USA


    It might be an allergy or it might just be a bit of fluff from feathers etc...
    Strictly in the spirit of scientific enquiry, of course, try a session of fly-tying during the day to see if the problem recurs. Preferably after running the vacuum to remove lingering allergens. You might be allergic to some pollen or other. IIRC, tree pollen generally releases at night and grass flowers generally release pollen during the day. So if you start to suffer from hay fever at night, especially when away from your tying bench it might be tree pollen. Your local TV weather report or newspaper might carry a pollen report.
    Regardless. I think you need to do some more fly tying, strictly in the spirit of scientific enquiry, of course.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Damascus,Maryland USA


    Hi Guys,
    I thought maybe it was just me having this problem but every time I tie using rabbit I suffer sneezing fits as well....10-15 sneezes before it stops for awhile. I am thinking maybe I should try a session at the outdoor picnic table to see if that makes a difference. But then my allergies are in full swing as of two weeks ago.....running nose and itchy eyes, sneezing etc. OTC meds just make me sleepy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Litchfield, CT, USA


    A very common allergy is from deer hair trimming.

    It is usually after a long term exposure.


  6. #6
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    Tying outside is always a kick, or a trick, depending upon which way the wind is blowing all of your feathers and dubbing and hairs and................

    Larry ---sagefisher---

  7. #7
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    Woodbine, MD


    Quote Originally Posted by gerri View Post
    every time I tie using rabbit I suffer sneezing fits as well....
    That's what does it to me. I love hare's ear as a tying material, but I suffer when I use it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Shallotte, NC - USA


    I've about come to believe that as the older age creeps upon me, I've become more allergy sensitive. Not only with the fly tying materials, but while mowing the grass and this spring's pine pollen gave me fits for a week or so. As for the fly tying, now with the warmer weather, I've moved the "operation" to the back screened in porch rather then in the little upstairs hide-away retreat.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Beacon Falls, CT


    Hey guys. I think you are all missing the point. The problem is that you work at your bench so infrequently that there is a huge accumulation of household dust that you are disturbing. You must be more active.

  10. #10


    I don't tie but do have an "allergy" thing. For a couple of years now I have been using generic Claritin (sp) -loratadine- and I think it helps. Non drowsy. Don't have stopped up sinuses anymore. Take one every morning. The generic is much less expensive than the Claritin. Sam's Club is the best deal for me. You might consider trying that one of these days.


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