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Thread: I think this represents wisdom

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    DFW metroplex, TX USA

    Default I think this represents wisdom

    There's a very old folk song with the chorus, "Save your money when you're young. My boys, you'll need it whenyou're old."

    I'm finding a lot of truth in that as I get older. I'm glad I didn't spend money on frivolous things when I was young, saving and investing instead.

    Conversely, I put off many travel adventures for my retirement years when we would have the time and money to do them, but now find that we are physically unable to do them despite having the time and money available. The limitations of old age hit us both suddenly within 2 years, which was totally unplanned.

    My boys, there's a happy balance somewhere there in between. Hope you find it!


  2. #2


    Brad,I believe we need to do things when the urge strikes us, unfortunately our finances and life never seem to coincide.Life is too unpredictable.

  3. Default

    Yes life is unpredictable. When I go to a buffet, I always have some desert first. Hey, life is short don't forget to have some desert! Adios Philip

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    For a lot of us achieving a good balance of work and fun requires some planning and thought. I have been fortunate to have work assignments with people and in places where good fishing frequently coincided with the work. In 1994 when I left Holiday Inn's corporate risk management department one of my great regrets was the GM of the Crowne Plaza in Santiago Chile had promised to take me salmon fishing on my next trip down. Next week, if all goes well, I hope to fish with Jack Hise and WarrenP to wrap up a sales trip.

    For most of us making money is a combination of a little luck, preparation and work. It seems most of the people I know who have been very successful had more were lucky because them spent a lot of time on preparation and work. Then there is being smart with your money, I saw an article that said most NFL players were bankrupt 2 years after they quit playing and the average age at time of death was 55.
    Want to hear God laugh? Tell him Your plans!!!

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