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Thread: Roger Stouff

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Dividing Creek, NJ, USA

    Default Roger Stouff

    That's a fine looking vessel you've built for your self. For the last couple of months I've been building a pogo boat, double ended, ten feet by three feet, and like you, where do I put the name? What I think I'm going to do is put it in the middle, then no matter which way we're going, it's the right way.

  2. #2


    That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

    Actually, one of the minor design plays in my "eyeballin' it" process was that one end was about an inch and a half wider at the second frame than the other...so I designated that end the aft end. Seemed as good a reason as any, eh?

    Thanks, and please show us pics of your boat, I'm not sure I am familiar with that type.



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Dividing Creek, NJ, USA


    Roger, here's a link to a Pogo boat. I hope to drag my boat out of the shop in the next day or so, take a picture and post it.

  4. #4


    Oh, yes, someone did show me that, musta been you a few months ago? Cool!


  5. #5



    I just got a chance to catch up with the message from last week. Excellent picture of the pirou, you do good work. I bought a set of plans from CC a couple of years ago for a 15' kayak. I am modifying it to 17' because although it is supposed to be for 2 people, I believe 15' is a little snug for 2 larger people. I still have not finished it, yet, but hope to in time for fall.


  6. #6


    When in doubt, on which is the bow or stern, place the name at midship. ~Parnelli

  7. #7


    You can get away with paddling the pinou backwards if you're going up stream. If anyone asks, tell them that it "Goes uphill better in reverse. Low gear, you know." (Just like the old timers used to do when they could not get their cars up a steep hill in first gear, reverse would get 'em up there, at least that's what my dad told me.)


  8. #8


    I been bassackwards mosta my life anyway, it don't really matter.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Rochester, Michigan


    Is a pinou a smaller adaptation of a classic ausable river boat? [URL=http://www.guilttrip.com/html/the_au_sable_river_boat.html]

    [This message has been edited by birddog (edited 01 June 2006).]

  10. #10


    Man, that's a low little boat!

    The pirogue is a Cajun version of the Indian dugout and was, originally, a lowsided and narrow flatbottom boat. My boat is a "pinou" or a cross between a pirogue and a canoe, wider than a pirogue and more high-sided.


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